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Release Notes Archive

July 19, 2023

  • Bug fix: League Admin menu - changing salary cap wasn't working

July 17, 2023

  • Bug fix: On The Clock Discord notifications were not working since the last draft update
  • Bug fix: Add Draft button to individual Player view for Fantasy Drafts
  • Bug fix: Removed Remember Me checkbox to help with weird login session issues

July 1, 2023

  • Bug fix: Coach Offers - now blocking offering coaches who were previously fired by that team
  • Bug fix: Coach Offers - Improved logic for prioritizing coach offers, hopefully will fix "my first coach offer was ignored" issues
  • Improvement: Coach Offers - Now sorting coach history tables by most recent

June 28, 2023

  • New: Added Force Logout button to My Profile - to fix weird authentication issues
  • New: Added support for new Discord usernames format
  • Bug fix: New user registrations that include Discord Username will no longer show a message about joining the Discord (if they have joined already)
  • Bug fix: League Force Advance timer was forcing the AI to correct user rosters during Advance Season

June 7, 2023

  • Improvement: ScoreZone - Last 3 plays are now hidden after the game has been over for 20 minutes
  • Improvement: Schedule - Updated games list to match ScoreZone, adding lots of game detail!
  • Improvement: Trade Block - Added Reject All button
  • Bug Fix: PFL Official League - now hiding Advance Week buttons for non-admin users

June 3, 2023

  • Improvement: Scouting - Region cells in tables now have a green checkmark if you currently have a Scout deployed to that region
  • Improvement: Scouting - Added "#" column to show how many scouting reports you have for that player already
  • Improvement: Players table - attributes checkboxes checked state now persist across different pages (@Dizz05)
  • Improvement: Scouting - improved page load speed and table performance
  • Improvement: Draft Board - Add to Draft Board button is now a toggle that you can un-do, similar to Scouting Target buttons (@Dizz05)
  • Improvement: Add to Trade Block button no longer redirects to the Trade Block view (@Dizz05)
  • Bug fix: Draft - simming CPU picks no longer makes a league Uncompetitive (@contacts) (if you want me to review your league and make it Competitive again, ask me on Discord)
  • Bug fix: Signing draft picks - sometimes would result in a 500 error (@idecay)

May 28, 2023

  • Major Improvement: Draft experience overhaul!
    • Webpage does not reload after every pick anymore! Draft table auto-updates when picks are made, without needing to refresh the page
    • Draft Board player actions (add, remove, set rank, min round, and move up/down) do not reload the whole page anymore
    • CPU picks are not automatically instantly simulated anymore! CPUs can now be on the Draft Clock until the Admin chooses to sim their picks.
    • Added new controls for the Admin during the draft: Sim Until Next User Pick and Sim Until End of Draft
    • Once the draft has started, the Draft Clock will continue "ticking" and move to the next pick automatically, regardless if any users are logged in to the website!
    • If the draft clock expires OR if a user pick is Simmed, and that user has Auto Pick Draft Board disabled, then the pick will attempt to come from the Draft Board first, before the CPU makes a decision.
    • Added Sim Until End of Draft confirmation dialog
    • Draft Clock - Added "CPU" under team names
    • Bug fix: removed warning message about advancing week during drafts
  • Improvement: Updated/expanded jersey number rules including allowing "0" @Myth101
  • Improvement: Updated Draft name/titles. For example, the first PFL draft (after the first season, before the 2nd season) is now named "Season 2 PFL Draft" or "2024 PFL Draft" if the first season is Season 1 / 2023. This matches more closely to real life where the "-YEAR- PFL Draft" is FOR that upcoming season, not named after the season that just finished. @alienufo
  • Improvement: Reduced the number of early retirements, and added a minimum age @HAFFnHAFF

May 16, 2023

  • Improvement: Messages - Removed "To" column for received messages
  • Improvement: Messages - Teams now receive a Message for all their retired players in week 22
  • Improvement: Messages - Messages sent to All League Teams no longer send to your own team
  • Improvement: Schedule - Added a title to Retired Players table in Schedule Week 22 (thanks @Fran)
  • Bug fix: Fantasy Draft - All leagues with a Fantasy Draft have had their pick numbers corrected when looking back at the draft via Schedule - Fantasy Draft (including Official league)

May 15, 2023

  • Improvement: Increased number of free agents that are listed during FA Bidding (now Raw OVR > 70 instead of OVR > 72) (hotfixed 5/12 thanks @Smackemz87)
  • Improvement: Scout button is now a toggle and can be un-done (click the checkmark to remove the player from scouting targets)
  • Improvement: Scout button UI improvements
  • Bug fix: Old seasons scouting reports were included in CSV (hotfixed 5/12) (thanks @Dear Cheese)
  • Bug fix: Standings was incorrectly updating Points For / Against values for postseason games

May 10, 2023

  • New: Consistency is now capped at -15 instead of -20
  • New: All existing players received a one-time 25% CON improvement
  • Background: After adding Chemistry, the combination with existing Consistency was too severe. Also I didn't like that players could be SO far off from their OVRs during a game. So the CON range was simply condensed.
  • Bug fix: Sometimes scouts would not generate scouting reports during week advance

May 9, 2023

  • New: Added Team Chemistry rating to all players!
    • Background: To help make players less replaceable in the game, each player now has an OVR modifier called Team Chemistry (CHM) that must be improved over time spent on a team.
      This also adds value to veterans (or any players) who have been with a franchise a long time.
    • CHM is an OVR modifier from -7 to +2 that reflects a player's familiarity with his current team
    • Newly-aqcuired players (signed, drafted, traded for) will start with -7 CHM because they don't know the new playbook, system, teammates, etc
    • CHM increases based on number of weeks a player has been with a team, up until +0. Schedule is below:
      • 0 weeks with team: CHM = -7
      • 1 weeks with team: CHM = -5
      • 2 weeks with team: CHM = -4
      • 4 weeks with team: CHM = -3
      • 8 weeks with team: CHM = -2
      • 16 weeks with team: CHM = -1
      • 31 weeks with team: CHM = 0
    • CHM will increase an additional +1 if a player is on a team when a season advances
    • CHM maximum for any player is +2
    • All players who leave a team (cut, traded, or free agents) are immediately reset back to -7 CHM
    • Tip: Hover over CHM modifier value to see how many weeks the player has been with the current team
    • NOTE: This change is retroactive for all existing leagues
  • New: Added Pressure Rating to Pressure Kicks
  • Improvement: Happiness no longer affects players OVR, but does still affect their willingness to re-sign
  • Bug fix: Fantasy Draft picks were being reordered after the fantasy draft completed (fixed for new leagues only)
  • Bug fix: Records link was hidden week 1 for seasons beyond season 1
  • Bug fix: Scouting Reports hints about player Potential was always a negative comment. (Fixed only for new reports after this update)
  • Bug fix: Defensive Play Recognition - display text always showed "+1 OVR" when it's actually +1 for the first increase, then an additional +2 for the second, +3... etc.
  • Improvement: Added more possible comments for player Potential in scouting reports
  • Improvement: Added Scout button to the Draft Board
  • Improvement: Added Media scouting reports to CSV export (@Rome)
  • Improvement: Added Culture column to scouting reports CSV export (@majortinkle)
  • Improvement: Slightly increased shorter FG make % for all kickers

April 29, 2023

  • New: Added Card Library!
  • New: Improved PFL branding!
  • New: Team Options - 4th Down Options! Customizable criteria to Go For It on 4th down!
  • New: Pressure Kicks and new FG algorithm! Certain situation FG attempts now factor in the Kicker's Mental attribute!
  • New: Added "Download Game CSV" link to the very bottom of completed games (for #pflofficial-stats)
  • Improvement: Teams will now sometimes Go For It on certain 4th down situations (default game sim logic, not 4th Down Options)
  • Improvement: Change Positions - There is no longer a CON penalty if the player has previously played the new position
  • Improvement: ScoreZone - Now updates more frequently
  • Improvement: Game clock - realism improvements, including kickoff touchbacks no longer using any game clock
  • Improvement: Added Streak to Standings
  • Improvement: Player view - Season Stats no longer split out by team
  • Bug fix: PFL Official League - non-admins can no longer Advance Week (this option will be added to all leagues in the future)
  • Bug fix: League History would spoil the result of a Realtime Champtionship game (hotfixed 4/15)
  • Bug fix: League Standings Pct column would spoil the result of a Realtime game (thanks Rome)
  • Bug fix: Improved Injury Report and injury messages display text for Career Ending injuries
  • Bug fix: Leagues with Hide OVR - Teams list showed OFF/DEF/ST ratings
  • Bug fix: Last play before halftime - teams would not kick a FG when in FG range
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug where Culture could be potentially exposed for unscouted Rookies (hotfixed 4/26) (thanks PWatts)
  • Bug fix: Changing dropdowns would sometimes make the page jump up a bit, and duplicate table summary info on the page
  • Bug fix: Exceptionally bad punters would sometimes have negative yardage punts
  • Bug fix: Passer Rating (RTG) was not shown if rating was 0.0

April 12, 2023

  • Bug fix: Fixed a rare issue with Standings involving ties which sometimes caused league rankings to have multiple teams from the same division in the top 4 Conference Seed

April 11, 2023

  • Bug fix: For plays inside the opponent's 10 ("__ and Goal"), the Team Strategy was not correctly using the goal line as the "to go" measurement, impacting Team Strategy playcalling
  • Improvement: Player page stats - differentiate between different offensive TD types
  • Bug fix: Trades - if a draft pick is traded, all outstanding unaccepted trades involving that draft pick are now immediately deleted. (This was already in place for players in trades)

April 8, 2023

  • Bug fix: Players were not appearing in older Game Stats if they were traded to another team since that game
  • Bug fix: Messages - count notification in sidebar no longer notifies for messages regarding unfinished realtime games
  • Bug fix: Incorrect teams were getting put into Wild Card games
  • Bug fix: Realtime games - delay between drives in OT was too long
  • Improvement: Realtime games - upcoming play timer new minimum time is "less than 1 minute from now"
  • Improvement: Schedule Graphic - Added game day and time, highlighting primtetime games in red

April 7, 2023

  • New: League Records! (Game, Season, Career)
    • (This feature was the Winter 2022 Season Pass Feature Vote winner!)
    • Added Player Records to the sidebar under PFL Network
    • You can click each record to view the history of that specific record, who broke/tied it over the history of the league, and when
    • Added Storylines to announce when records are broken
    • Game Records that are Tied are tracked and announced starting in season 5 to prevent too many duplicates
    • NOTE: Initial population of all Records for all leagues will take at least 2 hours after the update
  • Bug fix: Game Stats were shown on the Game view even when Show Results was unchecked

March 28, 2023

  • New: Power Rankings! (Rankings only update between weeks, and don't change after the regular season)
  • New: Elo Rankings! (Long-term rankings of teams in each league based on complicated math!)
  • New: PFL Network sidebar heading (ScoreZone, Mock Draft, Power Rankings, Elo Rankings)
  • Bug fix: Game View - Total Yards was incorrectly counting too many plays
  • Improvement: Season Pass achievements are now hidden (not rewarded) until after realtime games are finished to avoid spoilers
  • Info: Winter 2022 Season Pass has ended

March 18, 2023

  • Improvement: Injuries for realtime games are now hidden until after the game has completed. Injuries will "apply" (remove from depth chart) within a few minutes after the realtime game ends.

March 17, 2023

  • Bug fix: Playoff teams were sometimes advancing/being eliminated when they shouldn't have been

March 11, 2023

  • Bug fix: Game Stats not showing up for non-realtime games since yesterday's update

March 10, 2023

  • Improvement: Users Online Now updates automatically without reloading the page
  • Improvement: Updated logic for realism for generated new player last names
  • Improvement: Realtime games - added text to indicate how much time until the next play
  • Improvement: Realtime games - improved the real-life time between plays and for breaks
  • Improvement: Realtime games - Game Stats and Box Score now update automatically (on Game view, every 20s)

March 6, 2023

  • Improvement: Improved logic around "kneel on the last play of regulation to go to OT"
  • Improvement: Added username to Scorezone
  • Improvement: Added Red Zone notification for games in ScoreZone
  • Improvement: Highlighting turnovers, FG, and plays 20+ yards in ScoreZone with border
  • Improvement: Highlighting TD and Safety plays in ScoreZone with border and background
  • Improvement: Added Next Play (team, down, distance, and yard line) to Scorezone and Game views

February 28, 2023

  • New: PFL ScoreZone! (Official League only, for now) - See all games for the week, including box scores, top performers, most recent plays, and auto-updates LIVE!

February 27, 2023

  • Improvement: Players CSV download now includes Depth Chart Rank

February 26, 2023

  • Bug fix: Edit Player and Change Position forms were broken since yesterday's update
  • Bug fix: Sometimes extra Player History messages were created when there was no change to OVR Raw

February 25, 2023

  • Improvement: Optimized database handling of player attributes and OVR calculations.

February 23, 2023

  • Improvement: Optimized a frequent database query that took ~2.5 seconds, now takes ~0.5 seconds
  • Improvement: No longer generating un-interesting Storylines on Dashboard
  • Improvement: Other Server updates and optimizations

February 21, 2023

  • Bug fix: League Admin settings - Next Schedule First Game would sometimes not get saved

February 20, 2023

  • Improvement: Updated Awards calculations, and now showing top 7 players for each yearly award on Awards Race page
  • Improvement: Updated game sim options for Admins
  • Bug fix: Add to Draft Board was broken on Scout view
  • Bug fix: Sometimes, Retired players would show up in Player CSV download

February 19, 2023

  • Improvement: Added buttons with various options to clean up Draft Boards
  • Improvement: Added Special Teams rating (K, P) to Teams table
  • Improvement: Improved Add to Draft Board button - no longer immediately refreshes the page (although you need to refresh the page to see the new player on the draft board. Further improvements to come later.)

February 18, 2023

  • Improvement: Optimizations for viewing Draft and Fantasy Draft tables on Schedule view
  • Improvement: CPU now considers player age during Fantasy Drafts
  • Improvement: During Fantasy Drafts only - if Sim Roster is enabled, trades offered to you will not be automatically accepted by the AI
  • Improvement: Auto Advance After User Games option now only applies to regular season
  • Bug fix: Multiple CPU Interest graphs if there were any manual trades pending acceptance
  • Bug fix: Toggling Auto Pick Draft Board from any page besides Team Options would inadvertently disable other Team Options automatically

February 16, 2023

  • Improvement: Removed Player History table from Free Agents view
  • Bug fix: Discord usernames with spaces could not be added to PFL profile (hotfixed 2/15)

February 11, 2023

  • Bug fix: Salaries were slightly wrong for Fantasy Draft players

February 5, 2023

  • New calculations for all awards (thanks Soluna!)
  • New: Added Offensive Player of the Year, Offensive Rookie of the Year, Defensive Rookie of the Year awards
  • New: Awards Race view - shows the top 5 candidates for each award throughout the year (in random order)
  • Bug fix: Now hiding Messages referring to incomplete games until they are finished
  • Bug fix: Culture was incorrectly hidden on the Draft Board during Fantasy Draft

January 27, 2023

  • Bug fix: Error when viewing Scouting Reports
  • Bug fix: Fixed edge case bug with human vs. human teams needing to be Ready
  • Bug fix: Season Pass "Punt 3 or less times" achievement didn't award for exactly 3 punts
  • Bug fix: Level 59 reward for Additional Daily Vote was bugged but is now fixed. Users can re-claim this reward.

January 26, 2023

  • New: Added "Require Users Ready" option to Leagues. If "No", human vs. human games can be played immediately without both teams being Ready
  • Bug fix: Auto Advance Week after User Games Played was incorrectly ONLY working for the league admin
  • Bug fix: Lined up User status icons next to team names
  • Bug fix: Fixed modal width on depth chart Change Position modal
  • Bug fix: Sometimes players would be duplicated from page 1 to page 2 in a Players table
  • Improvement: Prevented Official League from getting automatically deleted
  • Improvement: Added clickable link to Players from Depth Chart screen
  • Improvement: Added CSV download button for ALL Players tables
  • Improvement: In the downloaded players CSV, added clickable link to the player as a last column

January 20, 2023

  • Bug fix: Offensive linemen were progressing Consistency too slowly, so their CON improvement speed was increased
  • Bug fix: "OT" Overtime was being shown on games even if Show Results was unchecked
  • Bug fix: Auto Advance Week after User Games Played wasn't working. (Now it works, although it might need a page refresh to advance)
  • Improvement: Players will now select a jersey number from the "old" jersey number pool more often by default
  • Improvement: Adjustments - Improved input validation
  • Improvement: Added PFL Official League to the homepage

January 17, 2023

  • Bug fix: Download Free Agents / Draft Class as CSV resulted in an error
  • Bug fix: Human vs Human games - fixed Ready to Play button disappearing for scheduled games
  • Bug fix: Improved speed when loading the league Admin menu
  • Bug fix: Fixed a crash when trying to view the Schedule in a Fantasy Draft league before managing a team
  • Bug fix: Players History was sometimes out of chronological order
  • Bug fix: Trade Block trades would sometimes show trades for the same team

January 14, 2023

  • New: Added support for Realtime Games!
    • Admin can optionally choose to schedule any unplayed game to play out in realtime!
    • Game duration options range from approximately 3 hours to 5 minutes
    • Game view will auto-refresh to load new plays as they happen from the server
    • NOTE: Team changes (roster, playbook, strategy, adjustments) have no effect once the game starts
  • New: For Human vs Human games, the game will only be played after both teams have clicked Play Game (First team's button now says "Ready to Play")
  • New: Admin Messages - Admin can send messages to All Teams at once
  • New: Messages - Added Delete All button
  • New: Added league setting "Sim CPU games immediately after Week advances" - default: Yes
  • Improvement: Trading Fantasy Draft draft picks is now available during/before the Fantasy Draft, but not with CPU teams
  • Improvement: Play Game button added to Schedule view
  • Improvement - Messages - Messages from users show up on top of Dashboard (until deleted)
  • Improvement - Competitive - Leagues will remain Competitive if a user quits managing a team, and waits at least 3 seasons before managing another team in that league
  • Improvement: Happiness changes are no longer sent as Messages, but are in Player History
  • Improvement: Schedule and Game view: User icon is displayed for any user team, not just the current user
  • Improvement: Improvements to UI regarding Advance Week button and notifications, including removing Advance Week button from Game view
  • Bug fix: Added protection to help prevent multiple sets of draft picks getting created for the same draft
  • Bug fix: Schedule creation - Teams were being scheduled against the same opponent in consecutive regular season weeks
  • Bug fix: CPU teams removed from Draft Challenge standings, and homepage Draft Challenge champion fixed
  • Bug fix: Removed Scout button for players during the Draft
  • Bug fix: Fixed double culture impact for culture on Draft Board players and extra space near Coach Culture boost icon

December 31, 2022

  • Bug fix: Pass Achievement "Sign an 85 or higher Raw OVR Free Agent" wasn't working for accepted Free Agent Bids

December 28, 2022

  • Improvement: Added league option for Advance Week if User Games are Played (the option that was removed on 12/26)
  • Improvement: Clicking Scout Player button no longer reloads the whole page
  • Improvement: When signing a Free Agent or adding to Draft Board or making a player Trade during the PFL Draft week, it no longer redirects to the Schedule. However it does, and still should, when actually Drafting a player.
  • Improvement: Removed Change Position form on Player view unless the player is on the user's team. (To prevent accidental Uncompetitive leagues by the Admin).

December 27, 2022

  • Improvement: Player page - Season Stats - specify "Total Yards" for QB and HB
  • New: Added dates and times games!
    • Added dates and times to Schedule view, and game date/time to Game view
    • Dates are all accurate to real life calendars
    • Dates and times are as accurate to real life as possible
    • Previous season's Championship Game winner will open the next season with the first game
    • Only applies to newly generated games, not old games
    • Currently this has no functional impact on the game besides adding realism
  • Improvement: The order of games for new season schedules is now randomized instead of pre-determined

December 26, 2022

  • Improvement: Manual Trades - added culture to Teams dropdown
  • Bug fix: User profile pages were slow to load
  • Bug fix: Kickoffs that result in a Touchback no longer use any game clock time
  • Bug fix: Setting Run % or Preset Playbook no longer overwrites Blitz settings
  • Change: Advance Week button will no longer automatically get pressed, even if all User games have been played for that week

December 24, 2022

  • Leagues with salary cap disabled ($999M limit) are now Uncompetitive

December 23, 2022

  • New: Winter 2022 Season Pass!
    • Buy the Season Pass in the Store! Event lasts 90 days! Earn Season Pass Achievements, Level Up and earn exclusive Rewards!
    • NOTE: All rewards are cosmetic only and offer no in-game advantages! Thanks for supporting the site with your purchases!
    • Added support for Dark Mode Early Access (Season Pass Reward)
    • Added support for Animated OVR Bars (Season Pass Reward)
    • Added support for Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Username Plaques (Season Pass Reward)
    • Added support for custom Online Status Indicator icon (Season Pass Reward)
    • Added new City and Team Logo cards, including a new Promo card set for exclusive cards not found in packs (Season Pass Rewards)
    • Added support for Weekly Feature Voting tournament bracket
    • Added (Season Pass Level) to Users Online Now
  • New: Added "Buy For" ability to buy items from the Store using Coins and send to any other user
  • New: Added notification to join Progression Football Discord if Discord User is added to the profile but user is not on the server
  • New: Added option to enable/disable Discord Bot Notifications in User profile
  • Improvement: Removed "Sim Until" options for Competitive leagues
  • Improvement: Added options to change Team Logos to the plain logo instead of the Card Art for logos unlocked with cards
  • Improvement: Added search box to City and Team Logo dropdowns
  • Improvement: Added a reminder to avoid using school-provided email addresses for Progression Football
  • Improvement: Slightly increased the chance for older players to regress and retire
  • Bug fix: Adjustments - "behind by" and "ahead by" checks were accidentally reversed
  • Bug fix: Rounding/decimal error in Players History when changing positions
  • Bug fix: Players would sometimes incorrectly "change position" when being drafted in Draft Challenge mode
  • Bug fix: Sometimes league standings / team records were wrong or out of date
  • Bug fix: Changing league settings would sometimes unexpectedly change the League Owner (hotfixed 12/18)

December 2, 2022

  • Bug fix: In-Game Adjustments team check was bugged and would always check the other team even if "our" was selected
  • Bug fix: Added protection against double-clicking the Play Game button, as doing so would sometimes double-sim the game

November 25, 2022

  • Bug fix: Game sim realistic stats - CB3,4,5 were not getting any recorded tackles
  • Improvement: Game sim realistic stats - Linebackers were not getting enough tackles and defensive secondary were getting too many
  • Improvement: Game sim realistic stats - Increased sack frequency to be more realistic, which reduces the dominance of QB stats
  • Bug fix: New players in leagues with randomly generated players did not start with any College Teams

November 24, 2022

  • Happy Thanksgiving!
  • 2022 Black Friday Sale! 20% extra coins! For a limited time!
  • New: Achievements - "First Card" - Awarded for obtaining each very first minted 1st edition Rare card! Only 1 can be earned for each Rare card among all the users on the site! This Achievement is retroactive so check your Profile!

November 23, 2022

  • New: Card Set - Stadiums!
    • Total: 45 cards, 2 new Team logos! Buy packs at the Store!
    • New Stadium and Weather cards: They don't have any function yet, but I hope to add functionality soon! If you have ideas for them, please tell me!
    • 1st Edition cards will only be on sale for a limited time!
    • Stadium Set cards feature an alternate Progression Football logo! Let me know what you think in Discord or Feedback form!
    • Remember, all Coin purchases help support the server costs for the game! Thank you for your support!

November 22, 2022

  • Bug fix: Adjustments - "behind by" and "ahead by" were triggering backwards
  • Bug fix: Play Game button was clickable for future games
  • Improvement: Players will no longer complain about playing time and lose happiness if they suffered an injury that season
  • New: Player Happiness - depending on the team's number of wins, players might become unhappy (HAP -1) if the team doesn't make the playoffs. Since players will refuse to re-sign if their HAP is -2, this should naturally result in more players refusing to re-sign and becoming free agents in the offseason. This will make it more interesting and difficult to keep all the best players on a team as a dynasty.
  • New: Player Happiness - depending on the team's number of wins, players might become happier (HAP +1) if the team makes the playoffs.
  • Bug fix/release notes correction: At the end of the season, coaches must now get at least 11 wins to maintain +3 CUL boost, instead of 10.

November 20, 2022

  • Bug fix: Draft would start automatically when the admin loaded Week 29 before Starting Draft
  • Improvement: Added team (our vs. their) and Quarter to Adjustments. Can now check stats for either team, and after each quarter

November 19, 2022

  • New: Auto-Advance Clock setting for leagues!
    • Can be used to schedule auto-advance one time, or on a recurring schedule
    • Option is available for all new and existing leagues (in Admin menu)
    • The Auto-Advance Clock will not start the draft automatically. The Admin must start the draft manually
    • If Auto-Advance Clock expires during the draft, nothing happens. Draft Clock takes priority.
    • Admin can still Advance Week before the clock expires, and stop/pause the clock any time by clearing out the Next Advance date in the Admin menu
    • Auto-Advancing leagues are shown on the Leagues table with an icon
    • NOTE: Advance Clock will be disabled after a new season starts. The admin will need to re-enable the Advance Clock. This is to prevent infinitely simming leagues that no human users are actually playing.
  • Improvement: Force Advance no longer spends Team Points or fires coaches
  • Bug fix: Scouting report download CSV button will now only download reports for the current season instead of all past seasons
  • Bug fix: Setting Advance Clock now works when creating a new league
  • Bug fix: Removed +4 and +5 options for Culture for New League creation form
  • Bug fix: Play Game button was showing up for completed games
  • Bug fix: Halftime Adjustments - fixed language for "less than usual" percentage calculations

November 15, 2022

  • New: Download Scouting Reports as CSV button
  • New: Download Draft Class as CSV button
  • Bug fix: Another culture card color icon fix

November 14, 2022

  • New: Auto Pick Draft Board option added to Team Options and to the Draft Board! Allows toggling on/off "Automatically draft players from the Draft Board, if available (and user-set Draft Limits allow it)"
  • New: Trading now reopens Week 27 (after Re-Signings are complete) instead of after Free Agent signing
  • Improvement: Added descriptive hover text to all weeks on the Schedule Graphic including Trade Deadline and Combine Results
  • The old Team Schedule has been removed from the Dashboard view and replaced with the more modern Schedule Graphic at the top
  • Bug fix: Sometimes In-Game Adjustments would fail to get added
  • New: Added "FORCE Advance Week" button for League Admin only. The FORCE button will appear after attempting a normal Advance Week and a "Cannot advance week" message comes back. The FORCE button will force the CPU to cut/fill roster spots, re-order depth chart, and hire/fire coaches for ALL teams in the league, to move along multiplayer leagues in a timely fashion.
  • Bug fix: If a Culture card is owned, any team that user is a GM of will have the Culture icons colored instead of neutral for all views. This is visible to all users of the game.

November 13, 2022

  • Improvement: Future draft pick values are now slightly skewed depending on the team's Strategy
  • Minor changes related to trade value when considering player age
  • New: Trading Reopens marked as a green line on Schedule Graphic
  • New: Added Send Coins form in My Account view to send coins to other users

November 12, 2022

  • Improvement: Draft Challenge Champion is now shown on the Draft Challenge table on homepage
  • New: Player and Draft Pick value algorithms for Manual Trades have been re-written! Thanks to Soluna for helping with the algorithm update! (NOTE: These changes do not impact Trade Block at this time)
  • New: Estimated Trade value is now shown for all Players and Draft Picks (in the dropdown for manual trades)
  • New: Trade Deadline marked as a red line on Schedule Graphic
  • Improvement: Draft picks for the current season do not have their full trade value until they are finalized after the PFL Championship Game
  • Improvement: Manual Trade CPU Interest graph - range changed from (-100 to 100) to (-2000 to 2000)
  • Improvement: Generated rookie draft classes now generate slightly better players

November 10, 2022

  • New: Draft Challenge #3 started! 100 coins per entry! Ends 11/24/2022
  • Bug fix: Teams were sometimes incorrectly Punting within 2 minutes left, within 3 points, while they were in FG range
  • Bug fix: OVR was incorrect after Evaluating players
  • Bug fix: Rookies were sometimes not getting their OVR revealed after playing in 3 games
  • Bug fix: Did a one-time Refresh for OVR for all players in all leagues
  • Improvement: Added some color/style to Adjustments in Team Options

November 7, 2022

  • Improvement: Improved CPU decision making when drafting players
  • Improvement: Improved accuracy of Mock Drafts
  • Improvement: Mock Drafts update every 4 weeks OR every 2 weeks in the offseason
  • Improvement: Estimated OVR on the draft results and Mock draft tables show the OVR as estimated by the drafting team, not the current user's team
  • Improvement: CPU teams and teams with Sim Scouting enabled will now choose a region to scout based on how many undrafted rookies are in each region, instead of completely randomly
  • Bug fix: Text saying Fantasy Draft is 47 rounds fixed to be correct and now says 48 rounds

October 28, 2022

  • Bug fix: Server crashed due to infinite code loop issue related to human teams over the salary cap
  • Bug fix: 500 error when human controlled team tries to advance week but they are violating the roster limit

October 27, 2022

  • Bug fix: CPU teams refused to trade any players (hotfixed 10/26)
  • Bug fix: 500 error when creating a new Fantasy Draft league

October 26, 2022

  • Bug fix: Teams were incorrectly kicking a FG when behind by more than 3 near the end of the game
  • Bug fix: CPU teams would sometimes get stuck in a "death spiral" of cutting and signing players infinitely, causing huge salary cap penalties
  • Bug fix: CPU teams should be properly under the salary cap at the beginning of new leagues and each new season
  • Improvement: Improvements to CPU teams roster management in order to protect themselves from going over the salary cap
  • Improvement: Minimum player salary changed from $1.0M to $0.5M
  • Improvement: CPU teams will refuse to accept players in trades if they are too close to the salary cap
  • Side effect: CPU teams will cut/release players more often in the Re-Signing week, resulting in more Free Agents available to Bid on in the offseason

October 21, 2022

  • Bug fix: Added code to prevent the same trade from getting executed twice

October 19, 2022

  • Bug fix: Culture was accidentally revealed for all undrafted players after Champ Game week

October 18, 2022

  • Added CSV Download button for Free Agents

October 17, 2022

  • Improved Mock Draft accuracy and Draft AI logic
  • Added a sortable College Region column to Players table (use College_Team checkbox to see it)
  • Added Filter by College Region dropdown to Players tables
  • Bug fix: Scout button has been removed from Free Agents
  • Bug fix: Player information in Manual Trade player dropdown has been corrected

October 13, 2022

  • Florida State and Florida A&M - region has been corrected to Florida
  • Bug fix: Player names and positions are now visible again in Manual Trade player dropdowns
  • Bug fix: Scout button is now available if an undrafted player is on your Draft Board

October 5, 2022

    This update is a big one! It will take at least 45 minutes.
    There are a LOT of changes in this update, so please report any bugs in our Discord!
  • New: Attributes Update!
    • Player Attributes are now in 2 categories: Physical and Skills
    • Physical: Strength, Speed, Agility, Jumping, Stamina, Mental
    • Skills: Break Tackles, Carrying, Run Blocking, Pass Blocking, Catching, Run Defense, Pass Rushing, Pass Coverage, Throwing Power, Throwing Accuracy, Kicking Power, Kicking Accuracy
    • All players have their OVR calculated with a new algorithm so existing players will likely have slightly different OVR after this update
  • New: Scouting Update!
    • Added 250+ College Teams - all undrafted rookies now have a College. Each College has a Region you can deploy Scouts to
    • Added 12 unique Scouts to each league that each team can choose to hire using Team Points and deploy to college Regions to scout undrafted rookies
    • NOTE: Old scouting system is totally gone. Team Points spent on old scouting have been refunded if the league is in a week before the draft.
    • Special "Media" scout provides 50% accurate scouting reports to all teams for free
    • Scouting Reports are delivered by Scouts that you hire each week, to review undrafted rookies with more accuracy and detail than the media
    • Scouts have a Confidence % which means that % of reports they generate are accurate and true. The rest may be inaccurate!
    • Undrafted player Culture is unavailable from Media scouting reports. Need to deploy a hired scout to determine Culture.
    • Consistency is no longer avialable before player's OVR is revealed, but may be hinted at in Scouting Reports
    • Combine Results appear Week 25 with results from 8 scouting combine events for all undrafted players! These give a clue to a player's Physical attributes
    • Mock Drafts are updated every 4 weeks until the draft! Based on Media scouting reports
    • Updated draft logic to be more realistic
    • Added Sim Scouting option to Team Options - Automatically adjust Scouting assignments to regions
    • NOTE: More Scouting report Summary text is planned for future updates
  • Updated default realistic rosters for new leagues
  • Leagues are starting to get big in terms of data storage! Due to this, creating new leagues now requires email verification
  • Fixed a bug for showing correct number of coach offers during Staff Hiring Week
  • Fixed a bug where the Hall of Fame was sometimes empty unless you changed the season dropdown (hotfixed 10/1/22)
  • Fixed a bug with the salary bar changing when signing rookies
  • Fixed a bug with Draft Limits not working in a Fantasy Draft
  • Special Thanks to Soluna for his time helping with this update, especially College-related topics!

September 12, 2022

  • Re-Sign Players - default dropdown is now "Decide Later" so you can Submit Contracts only for a subset of players listed and return later

September 6, 2022

  • New: Defensive Playbooks! Blitzing!
    • All teams now have a Defensive Playbook which determines how often to blitz
    • Blitzing is high risk, high reward: it grants the defense a higher chance for a big play (sack, INT), but it could also mean a big play for the offense if they are able to react!
    • Added Halftime Adjustments for Blitz Rate
    • Reduced rate of INT TDs (pick-6)
  • Balance changes to prevent coaches from getting too OP
    • All leagues maximum culture impact changed to +3 if they were previously over +3
    • All coaches culture impact changed: +5 or more -> +3...... +3 or +4 -> +2...... +1 or +2 -> +1
    • New leagues default culture impact is now +1 instead of +3
    • Negative culture impact is now always only -1
    • At the end of the season, coaches must now get at least 10 wins to go from +1 to +2 CUL boost, and 12 wins to go from +2 to +3 CUL boost
    • At the end of the season, coaches must now get at least 8 wins to maintain +2 CUL boost, and at least 10 wins to maintain +3 CUL boost
  • 1st Edition Beta card packs are no longer available for sale! Regular Beta card packs are still available. More cards, and trading cards between players are planned for the future!
  • Bug fix: Addressed issue with CPU teams making multiple offers to Free Agents in the same week
  • Bug fix: Changing Salary Cap Penalty would make league uncompetitive when Keep Competitive was enabled
  • Added Sim Staffing option to Team Options
  • Addressed a bug with Trade Block offering a trade for the same player offered

September 3, 2022

  • Loading animation is no longer present after arriving on a on new page. This should make the whole site "feel" faster.
  • Fixed a bug related to coach boosts applying to players

September 2, 2022

  • Position Update!
    • New: Some players now have more generic positions to allow for more roster/depth chart flexibility: T, G, DE, OLB, S
    • New: Minimum depth chart requirement for DT is now 2 instead of 3
    • NOTE: Depth chart still has specific positions because it matters for each play/formation
    • NOTE: Each player can still only hold one depth chart slot at a time
  • Improvement/Bug Fix: Coach hiring is now always decided in order of Standings for that season (worst first)
  • Number of other team offers to each coach is now shown during Coach Hiring
  • Improved table sorting during Coach Hiring
  • HB injury chance now quadruples for any rush over 25 rushes in a game for that player
  • Improvements/bugfixes to help prevent players getting traded multiple times (concurrent week advancement issues)
  • Improvements to help CPU teams retain talent depth at positions like WR, DT, MLB, and CB
  • Improvements to make defense more effective: increased sack and TFL frequency, which should also fix currently-too-high offensive production stats
  • Improvements to make creating a new league slightly faster
  • Improvements to Schedule Graphic at the top of Team views - added WC, DIV, CC to show new playoff names, made all week column heights equal, added opponent in PFL Champ game
  • Bug fix: All sacks are now also counted as tackles for loss
  • Changed playoff round names to Wild Card, Divisional, and Conference Championship
  • Fixed a bug when trying to view future regular season weeks on the schedule
  • LABOR DAY SALE: 1st edition Beta card packs are on sale for only 100 coins instead of 150 coins (33% off!)
  • NOTE: 1st edition Beta card packs will stop being for sale (forever) in the next update (Date will not be announced). Regular Beta card packs will continue to be for sale

August 25, 2022

  • Bug fix: Fantasy Draft players would sometimes have incorrect Draft Boost (was a conflict with the July 25 update)

August 24, 2022

  • Bug fix: Fixed 500 error happening sometimes on Team History view (Hotfixed 8/13)
  • Bug fix/Improvement: Players are now only considered for Yearly Awards if they played at least 12 games that season
  • Bug fix: Back button on Chrome mobile devices no longer results in infinite loading screen (thanks Amhaja)
  • Bug fix: Sometimes players in a Fantasy Draft would unexpectedly change their attributes after being drafted (thanks holybobgod)
  • Improvement: Height and weight no longer limit maximums for certain player attributes. (Note that all players still have a hidden OVR MAX)
  • Improvement: Improved chances for WR, HB, TE, and Defensive players to win yearly awards instead of nearly always QBs
  • Improvement: Scouting levels - Scouting Window for OVRs updated to make lower levels less useless. OVR windows are now (Lv0 - Lv7) : ±12, ±10, ±9, ±7, ±6, ±5, ±4, ±3

August 11, 2022

  • Improvement: Modified game sim stat distribution - On "long" plays, LBs should get less stats and DBs should get more. This includes INTs
  • Improvement: Added dropdown to Awards and Hall of Fame views

August 10, 2022

  • New: Added All-Pro awards!
  • New: Added Hall of Fame, All-Pro, and Yearly Awards links in the sidebar
  • Bug fix: When Sim Roster is enabled, all Sim Depth Chart settings are automatically enabled to allow the CPU to properly manage the roster (thanks TheOneCheetah). Rearranged Sim Options on Team Options view
  • Improvement: Season dropdowns now show the most recent seasons at the top

August 9, 2022

  • Bug fix: Some leagues were incorrectly getting set as Uncompetitive. Fixed the bug and reviewed and corrected all existing leagues Competitive status

August 7, 2022

  • New: Added Season Display Preference to User Profile settings - each user can now choose between Season Number and Year
  • Improvement: Admin can now change Draft Clock settings at any time, even in the middle of a draft
  • Improvement: Weeks 1 - 17 are now always viewable to view future season games, even if the league is not at Week 17 yet
  • Improvement: Clicking "Pick Player" button during a draft now defaults to ALL positions

August 6, 2022

  • Bug fix: League Admin changing a player's position for a player not on their team should have been registered as Uncompetitive
  • Improvement: Generated rookies will have slightly lower attributes (there were too many crazy good rookies getting generated)
  • New: Hall of Fame!
    • Added Awards to sidebar (shows Hall of Fame and all other awards)
    • Added Award Voting to sidebar (for leagues in season 8+)
    • Added Hall of Fame plaque to player view for HOF players
    • Each league will have its own Hall of Fame
    • Any retired player can be nominated after the season 8 Championship Game
    • CPU will nominate some players with +1 vote automatically
    • Each user can vote for up to 4 different players. Users cannot vote for the same player more than once.
    • The top 4 players with the most votes will be inducted to the Hall of Fame for that season and displayed during week 31
  • New: Retired Jerseys!
    • Added Retired Jerseys section to Team History
    • League admin or team GM can add or delete Retired Jerseys from Team History view
    • Players inducted to the Hall of Fame automatically have their jersey number retired
    • Players who have a jersey number on the team where a Retired Jersey is added will automatically change their number
  • Removed Video Reward Ads due to lack of revenue. (More coin rewards are planned for the future)

July 31, 2022

  • Bug fix/improvement: CPU teams were cutting incorrect players when trying to fit under the Roster Limit
  • Improvement: Icons updated to new versions
  • Bug fix: Fantasy Draft picks can no longer be traded
  • Bug fix: Players no longer suffer a Consistency decrease when the Change Position button is clicked without an actual change in position
  • Bug fix: Rookie of the Year was not getting awarded at the end of Season 1
  • Improvement: Added team record to schedule graphic
  • Improvement: 0 years pro is now displayed as "R" (thanks Soluna16)

July 26, 2022

  • Bug fix: Sometimes there would be no kickoff to start Overtime
  • Bug fix: Teams will no longer go for it on 4th down near the end of the game if the game is tied
  • Improvement: Teams will now go into "hurry-up offense" mode near the end of the 2nd and 4th quarters if the game is tied
  • Improvement: QB will now target receivers more/less, based on each receiver's attributes on the field for that play (includes WR, TE, and RB) (better receivers will be targeted more)
  • Improvement: Defensive players will now get more/less tackles, based on each player's attributes on the field for that play (better players will make more plays)
  • Improvement: Touchbacks on kickoffs are now spotted at the 25 yard line. (Punts are still 20 yard line)

July 25, 2022

  • Improvement: Accuracy for "Drafted by Current Team" for new leagues has been improved

July 24, 2022

  • Improvement: Slight modification to yesterday's change: If a team is behind, and has possession in the 4th quarter within 2 minutes left, and "to go" is more than 2, and line of scrimmage is more than 9, they will exclusively pass. Otherwise the configured playbook will be used.

July 23, 2022

  • Bug fix: Decimals are now allowed when inputting values for Halftime Adjustments
  • Bug fix: Stats for All Weeks were showing no entries
  • Improvement: If a team is behind, and has possession in the 4th quarter within 2 minutes left, they will exclusively pass
  • Improvement: Teams won't cut rookies before Season 1 in new leagues
  • Improvement: "Drafted by Current Team" is now set correctly for all players in new leagues using Realistic rosters

July 22, 2022

  • Improvement: Updated jersey numbers for newly-generated players to use new realistic rules
  • Improvement: Added "Old Jersey numbers" option to League options / new league
  • Improvement: Updated Team Info bars
  • Bug fix: Reduced frequency of players with no jersey number (due to changes above)
  • Improvement: Salary changes - K and P are much cheaper (max $6M/yr), all players salaries will be increased at next negotiation (amount is scaled based on OVR)
  • Improvement: Salary changes - Slightly reduced the salary increase from Awards
  • Improvement: Salary changes - Added options for Salary cap down to 200M and up to 300M
  • Improvement: Draft picks for +2 seasons from the current season are generated immediately after the Championship Game
  • Bug fix/improvement: Increased effectiveness of all punts and updated punt length algorithm to more heavily be determined by punter attributes
  • Bug fix/improvement: More coaches will be generated after Coach Firing week, with guaranteed at least 2 generated per culture
  • Bug fix: Sometimes teams would punt in OT when the opponent kicked a FG on the previous drive, and instantly lose
  • Bug fix: 500 error sometimes when clicking Messages
  • New: Updated default rosters
  • Improvement: Logged in users go to Leagues list by default instead of flashy homepage

July 9, 2022

  • Bug fix: CPU would change HB to FB (hotfixed 7/7/22)
  • Bug fix: Free Agents OVR was sometimes incorrect (retaining previous team's boosts) during Free Agent Bidding
  • Improvement: CPU no longer changes WR to TE
  • Improvement: Players will only consider getting benched (affecting Happiness) for the current team, not previous teams
  • Improvement: CPUs are now slightly more willing to trade

July 3, 2022

  • Improvement: Players History - details about progression/regression is now hidden until OVR is revealed
  • Improvement: CPU Upgrades - CPUs are now slightly more likely to spend Team Points to reveal rookie OVRs

July 2, 2022

  • Improvement: Manual trades - CPUs were valuing their own draft picks slightly too low (thanks @Smeagol)
  • Improvement: Added Expectation column to Teams view

June 29, 2022

  • Improvement: Free Agents and Rookie Draft Class now view All positions by default
  • Bug fix: Sometimes players with 0% chance to regress would still regress (thanks LightningJay)
  • Bug fix: Manual draft pick trades with CPU before/during Fantasy Draft were being valued totally wrong (thanks @Gummies)
  • Improvement: Manual Trades - Maximum number of draft picks or players per trade is now 5 (thanks @Gummies, @holybobgod)

June 18, 2022

  • Bug fix: Passing plays were less successful than they should have been since the May 27th update (hotfixed 6/8/22)
  • Bug fix: Since adding Game Clock, sometimes teams kicked off at the start of the game and at halftime
  • Bug fix: Since adding Game Clock, sometimes when watching Plays, Halftime / End of Regulation banners would show multiple times

June 1, 2022

  • Bug fix: Sorting players by OVR during Free Agent Bidding was sometimes incorrect
  • Bug fix: Players who were cut sometimes didn't get their OVR updated after losing their boosts

May 31, 2022

  • Bug fix: Teams weren't punting when leading near the end of the game

May 30, 2022

  • Improvement: League Admin menu is now visible to all users (only editable by the league admin)

May 29, 2022

  • New: Added Draft Order to the sidebar menu
  • Bug fix: User Team menu options were not shown when viewing Formations view
  • Bug fix: Improved Formations view for smaller screens like phones

May 28, 2022

  • Bug fix: backup HB were not getting stats recorded properly since May 27th update (thanks @Myth101)

May 27, 2022

  • New: Added Plays!
    • Each play offers a unique set of player weights! Individual plays offer more customization, prioritizing different players beyond just formations!
      For example, the RG and RT on the play "HB Sweep Right" are much more important than the LT and LG! See details by clicking on the Formation/play.
    • Added "Formations/Plays" menu item
    • Currently all plays of a certain type are randomized. For example "Singleback Big - run" will choose randomly between "HB Sweep Right" and "HB Blast Left".
    • NOTE: More plays will be added in the future, probably with per-play customization options and defensive options. This update laid the foundation to be able to add those things.
  • New: Added Game Clock!
    • Added game simulation improvements to account for game clock, including 2-minute warning, accurate time length for each play depending on play result, etc.
    • Added "two minute drill" - Teams will now run plays faster and will stop the clock ("timeout") to kick a FG near the end of halves
    • NOTE: Games played before Game Clock was implemented will show 0:00 for all plays
  • New: Free Agent Bidding - list of current submitted offers is now visible, and each offer can be cancelled (thanks @Now Here)
  • Improved Game view - lined up into columns, added game clock and play information, included Storylines, improved mid-game score summary
  • Improvement: Added roster count and roster limit to Team Info bar (thanks @mg0209)
  • Improvement: Watch Game - "auto-scroll page" is now checked by default, and moved Pause/Resume button to the bottom (so it's always visible during Watch Game)
  • Improvement: Stats - Added yds/rush
  • Improvement: Increased punter effectiveness
  • Bug fix: WRs were showing INTs for stat lines sometimes
  • Bug fix: QBs were counting Kneels as negative rushes

May 8, 2022

  • Improvement: Added Roster Limit option to New League creation form
  • Improvement: Roster Limits - New leagues default to roster limit of 60
  • Improvement: Roster Limits - improved CPU AI to consider roster limits when re-signing players, instead of only cutting players before games
  • Improvement: Position Changes - Consistency penalty amount now depends on current and new positions. Less CON penalty for similar positions (thanks TheOneCheetah)
  • Bug fix: User profile view - fixed a 500 error if the user was in a league with very may seasons
  • Bug fix: Team History view - fixed a 500 error if the user was in a league with very many seasons. Top Performing Players limited to the most recent 20 seasons
  • Bug fix: Players History and Transactions table - Player jersey numbers were sometimes the wrong color

May 6, 2022

  • New: Roster Limits - Games cannot be played if roster active player count exceeds 70. Players on IR do not count. This number can be customized by the league admin (57 to 100).
  • Improvement: Re-Sign players screen - moved Awards to the leftmost column
  • Improvement: Added Player of the Game stat line to Game Summary
  • Improvement: Slightly changed the number of rookies generated in rookie draft classes - more OL, less TE (thanks NervousBirds)
  • Bug fix: Draft Board jersey numbers were sometimes the wrong color (thanks Sherriffhammond)
  • Bug fix: Depth charts were getting reordered after week 30 even if Team Options for Sim Depth Chart Offseason were disabled (thanks Sherriffhammond)
  • Bug fix: Teams list - Become Manager button was visible for non-logged-in users

April 28, 2022

  • Bug fix: Sometimes players would regress more than -7 (thanks Sherriffhammond)
  • Improvement: Free Agent bids - players now additionally consider salary years offered when evaluating offers to accept, instead of just salary

April 21, 2022

  • Bug fix/improvement: Improved draft code logic to help prevent weird issues in multiplayer leagues (Thanks holybobgod)
  • Bug fix: After the January 8th update, players would sometimes get reset to -10 CON if they were previously 0 CON. Can no longer manually set CON to 0. -1 is the best possible for any player. Manually updated any players remaining at CON 0 to CON -1. (Thanks tempo101)

April 12, 2022

  • Improvement: Team Options - Added Average yards per rush and Average yards per pass options to Adjustments
  • Bug fix: Decagon, Half-Century, and Time Traveler achievements were not being awarded for Fantasy Draft leagues

April 11, 2022

  • Bug fix: Team Options - Sim Team Points (extra only) was not working. Now correctly uses extra points week 20
  • Watch Ads: changed to +3 coins, watchable every 15 minutes

April 9, 2022

  • New: Draft Challenge mode!
    • Costs 100 coins to create and draft a new team
    • League is open for 1 week. New Draft Challenge leagues will probably be available in the future
    • Draft Challenge - Draft is 20 rounds! Choose one of the 3 players available each round!
    • A Coach will be available to draft Round 5
    • Take advantage of changing player positions to maximize depth chart talent!
    • Don't forget to consider Team Needs, position depth, Culture, Consistency, and Coach Boosts!
    • Don't forget to update your playbook to take advantage of your best players' strengths in Team Options!
    • Players will not age or get injured, and there are no trades in Draft Challenge mode
    • After the draft, compete against CPU and other user teams to win the most games before losing 5!
    • Earn prizes based on wins!
      • 5 wins = 10 coins
      • 8 wins = 20 coins
      • 11 wins = 30 coins
      • 14 wins = 40 coins
    • Draft Challenge Leaderboard (top 3) will be displayed on the homepage!
    • New teams are not allowed to enter within 2 hours of Draft Challenge league end time
    • Games for existing teams can be played until the Draft challenge league end time
    • Teams that do not finish their Draft Challenge run will not be awarded any prizes, sorry!
  • Bug fix: Trade Block - Accepting a trade would trade the wrong CPU team player to the user (thanks Myth101)
  • Bug fix: Trade History - jersey numbers showed the current team's color, not the team at time of trade

April 3, 2022

  • Bug fix: User teams that had Sim Team Points enabled would incorrectly never upgrade Progression Cap (thanks Myth101)
  • Bug fix: Changing the position of a player with OVR hidden would incorrectly reveal their OVR in the player's History if the OVR changed (thanks Myth101)

March 30, 2022

  • Bug fix: Teams depth charts were incorrectly getting automatically re-ordered between weeks, even when Sim Options were set correctly
  • Bug fix: Users table - Last Updated incorrectly showed "1 second ago" for old users

March 28, 2022

  • New: added Coins History table to user profiles and Payment screens (not publicly visible)
  • Bug fix: All Users table didn't have any pagination controls
  • Bug fix: Coaches could sometimes incorrectly progress beyond the max Coach Culture Impact Maximum set by the league admin if they won a playoff game
  • Improvement: Added clarification on user's own profile about information visibility

March 27, 2022

  • Bug fix: Team Options - Reorder Depth Chart "After injury" was incorrectly reordering all positions, not only the recovered player's position (thanks NervousBirds)

March 22, 2022

  • Bug fix: Games would sometimes get stuck and would not sim, prevent Advancing Week

March 18, 2022

  • Improvement: CPUs will more accurately value their draft picks based on pick number in manual trades involving draft picks only (no players)
  • Improvement: Draft order will be updated based on OVR until week 6, and based on Standings after week 6
  • Improvement: Draft order for new leagues will no longer be random in Season 1 Week 1 (will be based on OVR)
  • Improvement: Added Last Active date to Users table
  • Bug fix: Sometimes the resulting line of scrimmage was wrong after punts ending inside the opponent's 20 yard line that were not returned (thanks cdlyman)
  • Bug fix: Drafts and Fantasy Drafts - If the first overall pick was a User team, they were incorrectly able to make the first pick, unintentionally starting the draft prematurely

March 16, 2022

  • Improvement: CPU vs CPU games will automatically simulate in the background during weeks 2-17 to reduce overall loading times when advancing weeks
  • Improvement: Draft order for next season is now also updated each week
  • Improvement: All generated attributes will have a wider range of possible values to make each player have a chance to be more unique and have more distinct strengths and weaknesses
  • Improvement: Generated rookies will have slightly worse starting CON
  • Bug fix: Generated rookies minimum attribute value is now 40 and shouldn't be negative anymore
  • Improvement: Any season with a playoff win will now automatically count as a Winning Season for that coach
  • Watch Ads: changed to +5 coins, watchable every 30 minutes

March 9, 2022

  • New: Added Reward Video Ads button to the sidebar - watch a video ad and earn 10 coins! (maximum once per hour)

March 8, 2022

  • New: Team Options - Allow configuring defense when opposing 2WR formations: 4-3 (default) or 3-4
  • New: CPUs will automatically change between 4-3 and 3-4 depending on their roster
  • Bug fix: CPU would change positions for players right before trading sometimes
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug with defensive player calculations on run plays

February 28, 2022

  • New: All Home Team players get +1 OVR (for that game only), due to home field advantage (except for PFL Championship Game)
  • Improvement: Players with bad happiness (-2) will now refuse to re-sign
  • Improvement: Manual Trades - CPUs will value players on their team that are opposite culture slightly more than before
  • Improvement: Players will improve Consistency slightly slower
  • Improvement/bug fix: Players will no longer complain about play time due to being a high draft pick if they are 26 years old or older
  • Improvement/bug fix: Players will no longer lose -2 Happiness in a single season if they complain about play time as a high pick, and also get benched

February 27, 2022

  • Bug fix: Regression was worse than -7 sometimes

February 24, 2022

  • Bug fix: Trade logic with CPUs involving draft picks only on both sides were unfair to the CPU. Reverted to pre-Feb. 23 logic for these trades.

February 23, 2022

  • New: CPU AI - Team Strategy
    • CPUs will decide if they are in "Win Now" or "Rebuild" mode (or anywhere in between on a 5 point scale) (currently this is hidden from users)
    • CPUs will now spend Team Points according to their strategy: "Win Now" vs "Rebuild" (influences chance to spend on "future" scouting/dev/progression cap, vs. "win now" coach boosts)
    • CPUs will now value Manual Trades differently according to their strategy: "Win Now" vs "Rebuild" (influences valuation of player age and draft picks)
  • New: Added Substitutions section to Team Options - HB1 Sub Out % (every play) - use this to split carries between HB1 and HB2
  • New: Salary Cap Penalty % is now customizable by the league admin. (Can be set to 0% to disable)
  • New: Added a message for players with hidden OVR about how many more games before their OVR is revealed
  • Improvement: Increased chance for HB2 to take carries depending on HB1 consecutive carries (to simulate HB fatigue)
  • Improvement: CPUs are more likely to draft players matching their culture
  • Improvement: CPUs will now consider drafting players at similar positions instead of the exact position they need (example: draft LT when a RT is needed)
  • Improvement: Manual Trade algorithm - CPU is slightly more willing to trade since the last update. (I'm open to feedback on this!)
  • Improvement: All position changes will now result in at least a -1 CON penalty
  • Bug fix: Cap penalties warning displayed in tooltip were 20% of the player's salary, but it was actually applying 25%
  • Bug fix: Tiebreaker calculations would sometimes incorrectly change playoff seeding and kick out division winners from the top 4 seeds
  • Bug fix: Playoff seeds would sometimes be displayed incorrectly in the Playoff Bracket view
  • Bug fix: Happiness was not properly being updated during Re-Signing
  • Bug fix: Auto Reorder Depth Chart After Signing/Trades option was not working after trades
  • Bug fix: Draft would sometimes get stuck and timeout (hotfixed 2/22)

February 15, 2022

  • Bug fix: Playoffs Round 3 games sometimes didn't have higher seed as the home team
  • Improvement: CPU teams will value their own picks more in trades

February 14, 2022

  • Bug fix: 500 error sometimes when viewing players (since yesterday's update)
  • Improvement: Updated available jersey number pools

February 13, 2022

  • New: Added Jersey Numbers! NOTE: There might be duplicate or missing jersey numbers for old/existing players, but future signings should ensure numbers are unique per team
  • Updated most instances of displaying player name to also show jersey number
  • New: Edit Player - Added Jersey Number to Edit Player form - Team Manager can edit their own players names and numbers; League Admin can edit any player
  • New: Edit Player - Player first names can be set to any value via Edit Player form
  • New: Edit Player - Player last names - can now choose the first letter and the game will generate a last name
  • Improvement: Game sim - If it's the last play of regulation and the game is tied, and the offense would normally punt, offense will kneel instead
  • Improvement: Login and Register buttons are now hidden during site Maintenance Mode
  • Improvement: Players History - "Traded" notes are now clickable to see the trade details
  • Improvement: Progression Chance bar now matches the team color
  • Bug fix: Changing a player's position would sometimes cause a league to become uncompetitive

February 12, 2022

  • New: New loading icon!
  • New: Added Team Players Stats view
  • New: League Admin now has the ability to change/fix any team's depth chart (in Non-Competitive leagues only)
  • Bug fix: Can no longer offer terrible players to CPUs in trades to impact trade interest
  • Bug fix: Trade Block trades were not showing up in Trade History
  • Bug fix: Cap Space was slightly different in Team Info bar and Teams list
  • Bug fix: Leagues would sometimes timeout with 500 error - bug with H2H tiebreaker calculation (hotfixed 2/10)
  • Improvement: Made Re-Sign screen - Salaries progress bar more descriptive
  • Improvement: Manual Trades - Made CPU AI value their own players more
  • Improvement: Updated Server Error page

February 6, 2022

  • New: Added Top Players (in the league) table to Dashboard
  • Bug fix: Trade History - Completed trades will correctly show the season and week at the time the trade was executed, not created (from now on; not retroactive)
  • Bug fix: Trades - Completed trades will now correctly delete all other pending trades containing that player
  • Bug fix: End of season player messages - players sometimes identified their own draft round incorrectly
  • Improvement: New Homepage!
  • Improvement: Players Tables - Added column and icons for "On Trade Block"
  • Improvement: Trade Block - Added Reject Trade button and checkboxes for multiple deletion
  • Improvement: Trade Block - Improved CPU AI - now consider Culture and Age

February 5, 2022

  • Bug fix: Improved code to handle 3-way head-to-head tiebreakers better
  • Improvement: Messages - add checkboxes for multiple deletion
  • Improvement: Draft Board - add CON column

February 2, 2022

  • Improvement: Disabled glowing animations to improve site performance - now a static border
  • Improvement: Glowing borders are now the User Team's color, not default blue
  • Bug fix: Tiebreakers would sometimes result in multiple 7th seed teams
  • Bug fix: Tiebreaker calculations were checking all-time H2H, not the current season's games

January 30, 2022

  • Bug fix: Manual Trades - CPU interest is now shown even if Offer/Reject trade buttons aren't currently available
  • Improvement: Added team logos to Schedule Graphic hover popovers
  • New: "Competitive" / "Not Competitive" status item added to left sidebar for all leagues
  • Improvement: Added Happiness to Edit Player form
  • Improvement: Added CON column to FA Bidding and Summary screens
  • Bug fix: Playoff Bracket - when hovering over games, highlight didn't work
  • Bug fix: Draft picks are now immediately removed from pending trades if they have already been used to draft a player
  • Bug fix: Overtime rules - games were sometimes ending prematurely
  • Bug fix: Standings - Head to Head games were not being correctly factored into tiebreakers for ranking
  • Bug fix: Players no longer complain about their playing time and draft position if they are on a team that didn't draft them
  • Bug fix: FA Bidding showed incorrect OVR, now shows Raw OVR

January 20, 2022

  • New: Team schedule can now be seen on other teams' View Roster page
  • New: Added Change Position button (pencil icon) to Depth Chart view
  • New: Added Trade History view in sidebar
  • Improvement/Bug fix: FA Bidding - CPU logic updated to no longer always bid on players of opposite culture. They also consider changing their existing players' positions first, before bidding
  • Improvement: Team Needs now shows surplus players on the roster at each position (in blue)
  • Improvement: Free Agent Bidding - team icons are now clickable to see their current players at that position
  • Improvement: Draft Limits dropdowns now default to "QB" and "1", and there is an "ALL positions" option at the bottom to set them all at once
  • Improvement: Vertically centered Back and Forward buttons next to Week dropdown
  • Improvement: Games in the Team Schedule graphic - can now hover to see game score
  • Improvement/Bug fix: Coach's current culture impact no longer influences Coach Boost and Dev Boost costs - note about costs are now accurate on Boost Upgrades screen
  • Improvement: Slightly reduced Coach Boost and Dev Boost cost reduction from Seasons Remaining
  • Improvement: Coach Boost costs have been updated: SS, FS, TE, LBs are slightly cheaper, LE, RE are slightly more expensive, WR and CB are more expensive
  • Improvement: Evaluate Players cost is now based on draft round. Added "Draft Rd" column to the table
  • Improvement: Slightly reduced CPU interest in user draft picks when trading for CPU players
  • Improvement: "Sim My Pick" button added to Draft if the current user is on the clock. Will NOT make the league uncompetitive. (Admin still has the option to Force Sim any team's pick, making league uncompetitive)
  • Improvement: Coach Culture Impact is more difficult to improve than simply "winning" or "losing" seasons (thanks to NervousBirds)
    • At +1, it will improve to +2 if the coach gets 7 or more wins (actually not that easy for +1 teams)
    • At +2, it will improve to +3 if the coach gets 9 or more wins or decline to +1 if the coach gets 6 or less wins
    • At +3, it will improve to +4 if the coach gets 10 or more wins or decline to +2 if the coach gets 7 or less wins
    • At +4, it will improve to +5 if the coach gets 12 or more wins or decline to +3 if the coach gets 9 or less wins
    • At +5, it will decline to +4 if the coach gets 10 or less wins
  • Bug fix: On Dashboard, "Toggle" button wasn't working for Transactions
  • Bug fix: Salary columns was hidden in player tables during the week of the Draft and Sign Draft Picks
  • Bug fix: Improved AI for CPU-to-CPU trades
  • Bug fix: Typing in Player or User filter box no longer breaks if None are found
  • Bug fix: Culture impact indicators were duplicated on Re-Sign / Sign Draft Picks screens
  • Bug fix: Receiving info was wrong on Team History page

January 10, 2022

  • Bug fix: KR and PR TDs were not being counted in postgame summary view
  • Bug fix: 500 error when creating new leagues (hotfixed 1/8)

January 8, 2022

  • New: Team Needs button is more useful! Shows roster composition and always shows best player. Added CON to table. Columns are now sortable.
  • New: Minimum players per position is actually visible via the Team Needs button - Depth column
  • Improvement: Added user's team name to Admin - Kick Users dropdown
  • Improvement: Added a note showing original team for traded draft picks during the draft, and on Manual Trades screen dropdowns. Includes Pick# or "Currently" Pick# (if before season is over)
  • Improvement: Manual Trades - Overhauled trade logic with CPU - CPU now values Age more, high OVR players more, and draft picks less (this is to encourage human users to value the Draft more). CPU now values non-starters on their own team less (more willing to trade).
    NOTE: With this change, it will be very expensive to complete trades with the CPU for great players (realistic).
    NOTE: Please give me feedback about this change in Discord!
  • Improvement: Manual Trades - Can no longer add players with hidden OVR to Manual Trades
  • Improvement: Manual Trades - Updated status message pop-ups
  • Bug fix: When trading draft picks ONLY (no players involved), CPU now correctly values picks based on pick #
  • Improvement: Draft Order for upcoming draft now updates each week
  • New: Added "Filter Culture" box to most Players tables
  • Improvement: Added "Auto Reorder Depth Chart" checkbox on Change Position form
  • Improvement: All new Rookie salaries are cheaper
  • Improvement: Players can no longer progress to Consistency better than -1 (because no one is perfect)
  • Improvement: Awards column for Players table is now sortable
  • Improvement: Clarified "Current" playbook run/pass breakdown by supplying more detail
  • Bug fix: Sometimes punts would have a myserious loss of yardage for the receiving team
  • Bug fix: Coach Boosts table was messed up for individual Coach view
  • Bug fix: Certain positions require certain affinities: WR,TE,CB,SS,FS - Speed; LT,LG,C,RG,RT,DT - Strength; All others besides QB,K,P - greatest of Strength or Speed
  • Bug fix: Play text did not display "X and Goal" when they should have
  • Bug fix: Free Agents - Culture icons did not show up/down indicators when changing table pages
  • Bug fix: Player Actions - "Add to Manual Trade" button was not present
  • Bug fix: When hovering over user status indicators, the popover balloon would sometimes get stuck open
  • Bug fix: Kick returners / punt returners were getting Player of the Game more often than they should
  • Improvement: Changed User registration date displayed to be relative ("X weeks ago")
  • Improvement: Added sacks to QB stat lines
  • Bug fix: QB sacks were counting as negative QB rushing yards
  • Bug fix: Sorting Free Agents by salary did not work correctly
  • Bug fix: Fumbles were not showing up correctly on Season Stats table
  • Bug fix: Player messages "I don't like getting benched" - changed text to accurately reflect getting benched, and/or missing play time due to injury
  • Improvement: Team History - QB "att" was confusing people. Clarified by specifying "rushes"
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug where "has quit the team" Discord message did not have the user name
  • Bug fix: Horizontal scrollbar now appears at the bottom of the page for smaller screens

December 23, 2021

  • Bug fix: Wrong team would kick off after Safeties (since the Special Teams update)
  • Bug fix: Defensive stats were not recorded correctly since the last update (sorry that data is lost)
  • Bug fix: Some message had incorrect weeks (like "Week 26" instead of "Week 27")
  • Bug fix: After Players OVR was revealed, their OVR was not getting correctly updated until weeks later
  • Removed team logo backgrounds from player tables - decided this is a reserved perk for card collectors :)

December 18, 2021

    Special Teams Update!
  • New: Added Kickoffs, Kickoff Returns, and Punt Returns!
  • New: Added "Kick/Punt Returns" dropdown option in Player Stats and Team Stats
  • NOTE: Kick Returner / Punt Returner will be the player with the highest Speed between CB1, CB2, CB3, FS1, and SS1.
  • NOTE: Kick/Punt return success is dependent on OVR difference of both teams' players on the field, and the returner's individual Speed.
  • Improvement: Removed team name text from player tables (shows full team name on hover), added background to team logo in Player tables
  • Improvement: Updated Team Upgrade button icons to reflect the upgrade instead of just "+"
  • Improvement: Re-added Years Pro to Players tables
  • Improvement: When offering Manual Trades to other User teams, the offering team can choose to Reject (cancel) the trade before it is accepted
  • Bug fix: Manual Trades - "Reject Trade" button would show up if trade was already rejected
  • Bug fix: Messages - changing team in dropdown would freeze the screen (hotfixed 12/7)
  • Bug fix: Injury icon was not centered when hovering on it in Players tables
  • Bug fix: Yearly Awards (MVP, POY) now only consider stats from regular season games, not postseason.
  • Bug fix/Improvement: Improved Progression/Regression code to be more exact and prevent regression past -7 and progression past +7
  • Bug fix: Sim Depth Chart after injury was incorrectly reordering the whole depth chart instead of the injured player's position
  • Bug fix: Defensive players were incorrectly getting credited with a Tackle when an offensive TD was scored
  • Bug fix: Defensive players were incorrectly getting credited with a Tackle when returning punts/kicks

November 24, 2021

  • Improvement: Most player tables now have checkboxes to show/hide Attributes columns (sorry they don't persist between page loads though)
  • NOTE: Future fix coming for sometimes negative attributes
  • Improvement: Added status indicators to all Teams (if they have a User manager, they will show the User status icon)
  • Improvement: Made OVR bars less wide
  • Bug fix: Hovering pop-ups sometimes would break until refreshing the page
  • Bug fix: Stuck loading screen when choosing a new League Admin (hotfixed 11/23)
  • Bug fix: Draft Board Set to Rank dropdowns were out of order
  • Bug fix: Storylines sometimes did not include fumble recovery / TD details
  • Improvement: After submitting Advanced Playbook changes, the page refreshes and brings you to the Playbook (no scroll)

November 23, 2021

  • Bug fix: 500 error sometimes when editing league settings
  • Bug fix: 500 error sometimes when trying to view a Manual Trade with a player who is on a team who doesn't currently have a coach
  • Bug fix: 500 error sometimes when trying to view Uncompetitive Edits for a Fantasy Draft league

November 19, 2021

  • Bug fix: Storyline stats for QB and HB were incorrectly doubled
  • New: Messages
    • Added ability to delete Messages
    • Added ability to send Messages to other User Teams in the league
    • Added team logos and user info to all Messages

November 17, 2021

  • New: all users can be hovered over to see Last Active time, and added Online Status indicator icons
  • Bug fix: Manually editing an undrafted player to be on a team would cause a 500 error

November 14, 2021

  • Bug fix: Some players OVR/Culture boosts were not getting applied consistently, resulting in incorrectly displayed OVRs. Fixed for all players in all leagues
  • Bug fix: Standings bug during playoffs - showed top conference teams as a low rank.
  • Bug fix: Non-playoff teams sometimes incorrectly had a higher draft pick than teams who played in Playoffs Round 1
  • Improvement: Will automatically Advance Week for a user team if all Re-Signings / Rookie Draft Signings are complete, regardless of automatic team sim options.
  • New: Added Conference Seed to League Standings table - conference seeds do not change until start of next season
  • New: Retroactively calculated Conference Seed for all previous seasons Standings
  • Improvement: Standings table statistics (record, pct, div record, etc) now only include regular season games
  • Improvement: Now displaying Playoff Bracket above Standings table (after regular season)
  • Improvement: Added Conference Seed next to teams logos in Playoff Bracket
  • Improvement: When clicking Standings from a previous season Schedule, the Standings will show the selected season's Standings instead of the latest season
  • Bug fix: Removed "Raw OVR revealed" messages from Dashbaord Transactions
  • Bug fix: If a game is in Overtime and one team kicks a FG, the next team would incorrectly prematurely kick a FG if within the 35 yard line (before 4th down)
  • Bug fix: Last Play Touchdown storyline would be incorrectly created if the TD scoring team did not win the game

November 6, 2021

  • New: Added total achievements earned % to user profile Achievements tab
  • New: Card perk - if a user is managing a team, and also has collected that team's card, the card art (including shimmer for rare cards) is used throughout the game instead of a plain logo
  • New: Added View/Manage card button to all Cards to see details about the cards and the card's history
  • New: Added ability to Sell cards back to the Store for Coins
  • New: Added YouTube channel link to site header
  • Improvement: Cards will show Quantity in blue to identify duplicates more easily. Quantity 1 is gray
  • Improvement: Changed turnover plays to show the starting team's logo at the beginning of the line. Added scoring and turnover logos in the play text
  • Improvement: Changed game summary view slightly
  • Improvement: Teams table is simpler and smaller
  • Improvement: Rare cards and card logos now shimmer slightly more frequently
  • Improvement: Manual Trade players dropdown looks nicer - lined up
  • Improvement: Forced "Desktop site" for mobile devices because it's still better than the "mobile" version (until I revamp the UI).
    NOTE: Please tell me what you think of this!
  • Bug fix: Teams that were ahead near the end of the game would go for it on 4th down more often than expected. (Hotfixed 11/5)

October 31, 2021

  • New: Added Achievement Rarity and User % Achievers to Achievement Library and player profiles
  • Bug fix: Changing team logos/cities would result in unexpected CPU team management. Fixed for all leagues
  • Bug fix: Some players OVR were displayed incorrectly after having their OVR revealed. Fixed for all leagues

October 30, 2021

  • New: Added "Keep Competitive" option for Leagues (in Admin menu) - prevents any actions for all League users that would make a league Uncompetitive
  • New: Added Pause/Resume buttons to Watch Game, and added Auto-Scroll page option when watching game
  • Improvement: Added descriptions for Fantasy Draft and Draft Clock during league creation
  • Bug fix: Team Needs and Manual Trades players accidentally sorted players by OVR in Hard Mode
  • Bug fix: Defensive stats not showing up after a game if the player had 0 tackles
  • Bug fix: Field goal formation listed as "Punt"

October 23, 2021

  • Bug fix: Sometimes player boosts were not getting applied during game sims - completely fixed for all leagues

October 20, 2021

  • New: HBs can now sometimes be eligible receivers (Catching)
  • New: Added option to Team Options to specify % of pass plays where HB should be an eligible receiver instead of a pass blocker
  • New: Fast QBs sometimes scramble instead of being sacked (Speed)
  • New: Passes can be dropped by receivers (Catching), or tipped by defenders (Pass Coverage)
  • New: QBs will sometimes fumble when sacked (Break Tackles) NOTE: I might add Carrying attribute in the future but this is OK for now
  • New: Added icons to play text for Touchdown, Field Goal, Turnovers, and First Downs
  • New: Player Stats and Team Stats updated to include QB scrambles and HB receiving
  • Improvement: Draft Board is now visible during ANY week if Rookie Draft Class view is active (hotfixed 10/13)
  • Improvement: Re-write how play text is generated and saved. NOTE: Some old games/play texts will be slightly wrong
  • Improvement: Game Stats now include number of targets for receivers
  • Improvement: Game Stats now specify rush yards / pass yards / rec yards seperately
  • Bug fix: Sometimes player boosts were not getting applied during game sims (Hotfixed 10/17)

October 5, 2021

  • New: Added Attributes for all players
    • Height, Weight, Strength, Speed, Catching, Break Tackles, Run Defense, Pass Rushing, Pass Coverage, Run Blocking, Pass Blocking, Throwing (Physical), Throwing (Mental), Kicking Power, Kicking Accuracy
    • Raw OVR is now calculated based exclusively on the player's attributes for his position
    • Attributes determine OVR for each player differently depending on the play (run, pass, ST) (Example: on a pass play, a LG's Run Blocking ability is not used)
    • Height and weight - these determine maximum limits for certain attributes (hidden) Example: heavier players can never have very high speed
    • Some existing players OVR will change slightly due to the nature of this change (one-time)
    • Strength and Speed - Primary attributes. some positions require one (strength for linemen), others have flexibility to utilize whichever one is higher (Example: LBs can be Strength or Speed LBs).
    • Primary attributes account for 50% of the calculation for Raw OVR. The other position-specific attributes contribute to the remaining 50% of the calculation. NOTE, primary attributes do not apply to QB, K, or P.
    • Play-specific scenarios will use specific attributes where appropriate - for example on long FGs, Kicking Power will play more of a role in success chance.
    • Changing a player's position: new Raw OVR is determined exclusively by the player's attributes for the new position. Sometimes there may be a Consistency penalty to account for learning a new position. This allows for players who have good attributes for a different position to be able to switch without a random penalty like before. (Example: LOLB to CB may be very successful if Speed and Pass Coverage are high)
    • Added realistic height and weight to Realistic Players for new leagues only; existing leagues will have random height/weight applied
    • Player view for a single player - layout updated (centered name, show height, weight, awards at the top, and add Attributes table)
    • Player view for a single player - added Progression Chance chart (also: chart removed from clickable PC bar in Player tables)
    • Added individual attribtues to be edited in Edit Player mode
  • New: Added "Hard Mode" - League Admin option to Hide All Players OVR
    • If enabled, all player and team OVRs are completely blank! Only scouted OVR guesses for rookies are shown, until OVR is "revealed" (but it's not, with this enabled)
    • If enabled, all messages/history items mentioning OVR are hidden in this mode
    • If enabled, CPU teams will still make decisions based on OVR, but human users won't be able to see OVRs.
    • If enabled, all user teams Sim Roster and Sim Depth Chart options are disabled
    • This is the ONLY option in the game (so far) where the CPU would have an advantage of information over human users
  • Improvement: Large Player and Players History tables are now faster and actually usable
    • Example - View Players - All Teams, All Positions table no longer takes ~55 seconds to load
    • Table data is now rendered server-side
  • New: updated realistic players/rosters (for new leagues only)
  • Improvement: Maximum possible salary (per year) is now $65M
  • Improvement: Added clickable player names to Game Stats view
  • Improvement: Improved CPU AI when evaluating available free agent player talent
  • Bug fix: Sometimes the wrong team would be granted a bye for Playoffs Round 1 if the top 2 teams of the conference had the same record and had played at least 1 game between each other during the season.
    • Playoff seeding algorithm now considers head-to-head results between the two teams as the first tiebreaker, followed by division record, conference record, and net points.
    • NOTE: This condition was so rare, I couldn't test it effectively, but I think it should work :)
  • Bug fix: Salaries bar showed an incorrect value during Re Sign week, until a dropdown was changed
  • Bug fix: CPU AI would sometimes get very deep in salary cap debt in the offseason
  • Removed older year player/roster options for Realistic Players for new leagues

August 16, 2021

  • New: Added Box Score to Game view (only for games simmed after this update)
  • New: Added logic to automatically kneel the ball at the end of games, if appropriate
  • New: Added Behind by and Ahead by (game score points / score differential) to Halftime Adjustment options
  • Improvement: When clicking on Joined leagues, default view is now Dashboard instead of Teams
  • Bug fix: Prevent trade block offers for the same player (bug found by BowlingDude2005)

August 15, 2021

  • New: All new schedules will be created with 17 regular season games instead of 16. Extra game is against an opposite conference team. All offseason week numbers increased +1
  • Improvement: Added a border to Draft Board and moved it above the players/positions dropdowns during the Draft

August 14, 2021

  • Bug fix: During week 17 and 18, Standings were incorrect due to teams having a Round 1 Bye (bug found by cocopunch88)
  • Improvement: Added total number of championship wins to Team History page

August 4, 2021

  • New: Updated Latest Realistic rosters

July 2, 2021

  • Improvement: Week 25 Re-Sign players - after all players have been re-signed, that team automatically is Ready for Week 26 (don't have to manually click Advance Week anymore)
  • Improvement: Added a message on Week 26 Free Agent Bidding to click Advance Week if you don't want to make any offers

June 22, 2021

  • New: Added Team History view showing team records, playoff stats, championship wins, and past season results including coaches and best players that year
  • New: Added Tackles for Loss stat tracking
  • Improvement: Renamed History to League History
  • Improvement: Changed Submit button to Submit Playbook Changes to reduce confusion. Button disabled until a textbox change is made
  • Bug fix: Coach OVR Boost for Punters did not work (hotfixed 6/12)
  • Bug fix: Sometimes leagues failed to advance past week 20 (hotfixed 6/12)

June 6, 2021

  • Improvement: Added buttons at the bottom of all tables for manual data export to CSV or Excel

June 5, 2021

  • Improvement: Added a hover for OVR bars with details explaining OVR and consistency
  • Improvement: Added GM username under team name for Team Info banners
  • Improvement: Increased the webpage width to improve UI
  • Improvement: Improved Messages UI - sortable table, and show player position, OVR, age next to names, added Dashboard button
  • New: Added Unread Messages indicator to top of Dashboard
  • New: Starting now, tracking number of plays, and number of games for ALL players including offensive linemen, for each week/career
  • New: Contract Length and Salary Re-design
    • Longer salaries are now MORE expensive. 1yr is now the cheapest contract option, 4yr is the most expensive
    • To prevent all GMs from exclusively offering 1yr salaries, Player Happiness was added (see below)
    • GMs now have to "find it in the budget" to give players more money (larger contracts) to make them happy to be part of the team
    • Cost algorithm for salary value has been changed to be more dramatic to make salary decisions more difficult
    • Players with multiple awards will now demand slightly more money
    • Added custom Years option (1-4) to Free Agent Bidding
    • Now keeping track of last contract length instead of only number of years remaining
    • Now keeping track of total contract value (contract years x salary)
    • Added "Big Contract" Storyline
    • These changes should make retaining top-tier talent AND keeping them all happy more challenging for GMs
  • New: Player Happiness
    • Added an additional modifier on all players called Happiness (HAP)
    • Can affect a player's OVR from -2 to +2
    • Default Happiness for all new leagues and existing players: None (+0). Only GM decisions impact Happiness
    • Currently based on contract length (longer and more money = happier), and play time
    • Re-signing now affects Happiness:
      • 4 year contract: +2 HAP
      • 3 year contract: +1 HAP
      • 2 year contract: +0 HAP
      • 1 year contract: -1 HAP
    • Players with a decrease in playtime compared to last year results in -1 Happiness
    • Players who were early round draft picks will have higher expectations for play time and may affect their happiness more
    • Added Happiness indicators to Re-Signing salary dropdown options
    • Players who win Awards gain +1 Happiness
    • Free Agents Happiness is +0, but goes to +1 when signed (also includes FA Bidding and rookie contracts)
    • Known Issue, won't fix: Player messages and their "last contract" length might be slightly off for existing leagues until players are re-signed again

May 22, 2021

  • Improvement: Added Created and Approximate Sim Weeks per Day columns to leagues list, and changed date formats to be relative. (Hover for old date format)
  • Improvement: Important/Interesting storylines are now highlighted with a different color (hotfixed 5/21)
  • Improvement: Added more descriptive text for Adjustments
  • Improvement: Added Show OVR option to Edit Player
  • Improvement: Players who retire after suffering a career-ending injury, whose team wins the Championship that season, now receive a Championship award
  • Bug fix: Player view - awards, injuries, and IR icons now stay on the same line
  • Bug fix: Adjustments value was incorrectly limited to 100 (hotfixed 5/21)
  • Bug fix: Edit player - empty fields are no longer required, and are simply ignored

May 21, 2021

  • Bug fix: Pick Player button sometimes did not appear when user was on the clock
  • Bug fix: Sometimes players did not get their OVR revealed after starting 3 games
  • Bug fix: Sometimes the Salaries bar and "Raise" column values were inaccurate during Re-sign players and Sign Rookies views
  • Bug fix: All game sims would crash starting season 128
  • Bug fix: Error sometimes when Draft Bust Storylines were getting created (Hotfixed 5/20)
  • Improvement: List all leagues on home page using paginated tables
  • Improvement: Rookie contracts are now only based on draft pick number, regardless of scouted OVR. Top picks cost more, later picks cost less.
  • Improvement: Increased number of coach offers from 4 to 6. Also slightly changed the calculation for how coaches accept offers.
  • Improvement: Decreased chance for better players players to retire, increased chance for worse players to retire
  • Improvement: Increased chance for older players to regress
  • Improvement: Slightly increased FG make % by making Kicker OVR affect the chance more
  • Improvement: Rookie contract signing week 29 - Player history now says "Signed rookie contract" instead of "Re-signed"
  • Improvement: Slightly decreased the default injury chance
  • Improvement: Made Injury Report menu item always visible, even if injuries have been set to None
  • New: Added Injuries slider for custom injury frequency with 6 options: None, Few, Less, Normal, More, Many
  • New: Added In-Game Adjustments
    • Added options at the bottom of the Team Options view
    • Multiply run play rate or pass play rate for the rest of the game based on stats at halftime
    • Head Coach will send an in-game Message if adjustments are made, explaining what happened

May 11, 2021

  • Bug fix: Playoff Round 2 games always had the wrong Home team
  • Bug fix: Game simulations would crash sometimes if users manually edited OVR of players very low
  • Improvement: More interesting Storylines at the top of the list
  • Improvement: Changed calculations to reduce frequency of defensive players winning yearly awards

May 8, 2021

  • Bug fix: Now enforcing unique league names for new leagues

May 7, 2021

  • Bug fix: Fixed error when typing in non-numeric characters on Advanced Playbook
  • Bug fix: Progression Chance is now updated after manually editing a Player
  • Bug fix: Stats not showing correctly for some Storylines
  • Bug fix: Fixed many leagues that should have been marked Uncompetitive
  • Improvement: More Storylines each week
  • Improvement: Draft Clock improvements
  • Improvement: Added Team dropdown to Edit Player to instantly change a player's team or set to Free Agent (Uncompetitive)

May 4, 2021

  • Bug fix: Player of the Game was incorrectly limited to QB, HB, or K. Now it can be any player with game stats
  • Bug fix: Force Sim Pick button now appears correctly for the league Admin
  • Improvement: Changed some calculations to slightly reduce stats for MLB on defense
  • Improvement: Changed some calculations for Yearly Awards and Player of the Game
  • Improvement: Player Stats and Team Stats are now available for all seasons! (Not only the most recent 2 seasons)
  • Improvement: Players can no longer earn multiple yearly awards in the same year
  • Improvement: Draft Clock is now visible during all drafts, even if there is no timer
  • Improvement: Draft Clock - general improvements... complicated stuff for multiple players, waiting for draft sim, refreshing pages, etc
  • Improvement: Modified Scouting OVR windows to make lower levels more useful:
    • Level 0: ±40
    • Level 1: ±30 and Age
    • Level 2: ±21 (previously: 25) and Culture
    • Level 3: ±15 (previously: 21)
    • Level 4: ±11 (previously: 16)
    • Level 5: ±8 (previously: 11)
    • Level 6: ±6 (previously: 8)
    • Level 7: ±5 and Consistency grade

April 30, 2021

  • Bug fix: Sorting Injury Report by Team mixed up the two Los Angeles teams (hotfixed 4/27)
  • Bug fix: 500 error sometimes when viewing Manual Trades (hotfixed 4/27)
  • New: Added Division Standings to Dashboard
  • New: Added Force Sim Draft Pick button (Admin only; will make league Uncompetitive)
  • New: Added Draft Clock
    • User picks will auto-pick if draft clock expires to prevent inactive players from blocking drafts (especially will keep multiplayer Fantasy Drafts moving)
    • New leagues: default 30 minutes per user pick (CPU picks are still near-instant)
    • Existing leagues: no draft clock unless Admin updates it
    • Added Admin options for Draft Clock, but can't edit the Draft Clock settings during a draft
    • The draft will only auto-pick if the draft clock expires and at least 1 league user is viewing the Schedule during the draft (otherwise, the draft will "pause" until a league user views the Schedule)
  • Improvement: Automatically deleting old Discord channels for leagues that no longer exist

April 22, 2021

  • Improvement: User teams can now trade while over the salary cap
  • Improvement: When players recover from injury, there will be a notification as well as a Message sent to user team managers
  • Improvement: Individual player stats table updated to include Team column

April 21, 2021

  • Improvement: Added more Storylines to the Dashbaord!
    • Last Second FG
    • Last Second TD
    • Overtime Scoring plays
    • 10+ point Comeback
    • High Scoring Game
    • Low Scoring Game
    • Blowout Games
    • Draft Busts
    • Draft Gems
  • Improvement: Added team logos to all scoring plays in All Plays section
  • Bug fix: Gray screen when trying to add or kick members of a league after the searchable dropdown update from April 18th

April 18, 2021

  • Improvement: [League Admin only] Added searchable Users list for Admin view (Users dropdowns for Invite/Kick/Give Admin)
  • Improvement: [League Admin only] Added dropdown options for Player and Coach first and last names. (Sorry, manually typing names is still not an option due to legal concerns)
  • Improvement: Slightly increased frequency and max OVR for elite rookie draft class players (to discourage trading away picks)
  • Improvement: Increased minimum cost for OVR and DEV boost
  • Bug fix: Overtime rules are more accurate (not simply first score wins)
  • Bug fix: Fix Back button stuck on loading screen if browser Back button is clicked

April 14, 2021

  • Improvement: Players history items now show when a player was signed from a bid
  • Improvement: All Players history items now show the exact week instead of "Offseason"
  • Improvement: Added Points to Team Info bar, added words to Team Needs and upgrades buttons to help users notice them
  • Improvement: During Fantasy Draft: changed button text from "Advance to Regular Season" to "Start Draft" because it was confusing
  • Improvement: Manual Trades - added Players dropdown
  • Bug fix: CPU controlled teams would incorrectly immediately sign free agents if a user-controlled team Cut a player during Free Agent Bidding week
  • Bug fix: Sign button was incorrectly available for free agents before Week 27
  • Bug fix: Playoff Round 1 games would sometimes be incorrect if division winners had unusually bad records. Now more consistent
  • Bug fix: CPUs and users were incorrectly allowed to Evaluate Players after drafting and before signing rookies
  • Bug fix: Sim Extra Team Points wasn't running before progression happened. Now it does
  • Bug fix: Draft Boards - Min Round dropdown now supports Fantasy Draft (more than 7 rounds)
  • Bug fix: Manual Trades - completed Manual Trades correctly show players even if they moved to other teams (viewing existing completed trades won't update, sorry)

April 13, 2021

  • Improvement: Upgraded the website server to support more concurrent users!
  • Improvement: Removed "Our Players" button for speed improvement
  • Improvement: Made home page / Leagues list load faster
  • Bug fix: Upgrades screen dropdown was too wide on Firefox

April 10, 2021

  • New: RyanMoody21 made a video about Progression Football!
  • Improvement: Database/code improvements to support many concurrent users all at once! Specifically, multiple league creations at once. (Sorry for all the 500 errors)
  • Improvement: For new league creations: hide leagues that did not get fully created successfully
  • Improvement: Added instructions for Free Agent Bidding view

April 6, 2021

  • New: Added option to Randomize Name (rename) coaches
  • Improvement: Added a tip for simming drafts
  • Bug fix: 500 error when looking at old drafts where players have since retired
  • Bug fix: Renaming a player incorrectly removed him from Depth Chart

April 3, 2021

  • Progression Football reaches 3 years of game development! (Started April 2018)
  • New: Coaches - major update!
    • Coaches can now be fired and offered/hired to different teams, and retire after their Seasons Remaining reaches 0
    • Coaches bring their own Culture, Culture Impact, and Coach Boosts to the team they coach. This means Team cultures can change!
    • Coaches keep their Coach Boosts (OVR and Dev boosts) with them, as well as their culture.
    • Culture Impact progresses/regresses based on coach performance. Winning seasons increase +1, losing seasons -1
    • Admins can set Min and Max Culture Impact for coaches in their league, as well as default starting values (all the same, or random)
    • Changed Coach Boost cost algorithm. Cost now based on coach seasons remaining, position of the boost, and current coach culture impact
    • Coach Firing, Hiring, and Summary weeks inserted into schedule (Weeks 22, 23, 24)
    • Added positional Coach Boost details and Coach History table to individual Coach view
    • Added generated names to all coaches
  • Improvement: Website session lifetime (auto-logout) increased from 2 hours to 48 hours
  • Improvement: Removed OVR_MIN and OVR_MAX from Scouting. Only the Guess is visible now
  • Improvement: Changed Scouting Window for each Scouting level. Maximum scouting now has a window of 5 OVR instead of 3 OVR.
  • Improvement: Added earned Awards to Players/Coaches History tables, and Stats views
  • Improvement: Added optional checkbox to Show Results before clicking Play Game
  • Improvement: New leagues are Private by default
  • Bug fix: Draft order was not based on rank since March 14 update (hotfixed 3/18)
  • Bug fix: Editing players to OVR above 99 caused Server Error (hotfixed 3/19)
  • Bug fix: Server error trying to submit playbook with blank/empty boxes (hotfixed 3/27)
  • Bug fix: Server error trying to check Standings before any games played
  • Bug fix: Team logos incorrectly set to ??? when quitting Managing a team
  • Bug fix: Prevent infinite loading icon when there are Javascript table errors

March 17, 2021

  • Bug fix: Stuck loading on week 22

March 14, 2021

  • Improvement: Game Results are shown by default unless Play Game is clicked
  • Improvement: Overall performance improvements to underlying code - trying to make pages load faster, hopefully it's noticeable
  • Bug fix: Server error when trying to view fantasy draft in Schedule view while not logged in

March 6, 2021

  • New: Culture icon for the team and matching players will have color (instead of black) if the Culture card is owned by the Manager
  • Improvement: Free Agents will have their OVR revealed automatically after week 20, if they have 2 or more years pro
  • Improvement: Added highlight effects to Schedule/Current Week links during Season 1 Week 1 to help guide new users
  • Bug fix: Issues with Discord integration not working right - should auto-correct itself after this update
  • Bug fix: Sometimes yearly awards would get awarded twice
  • Bug fix: Some links not showing loading animation
  • Bug fix: Culture Icon achievements incorrectly earned without having the card

March 5, 2021

  • New: Added new Team Customization section to the League Admin view
    • League Admin can use their own cards to set location or team logo of any team in the league
    • League Admin can change abbreviations for any team in the league
    • League Admin can change any of these settings at any time via the Admin view
  • New: Location cards can be used to change the location of a team you manage using Team Options view
  • New: Team cards can be used to change the logo of a team you manage using Team Options view
  • NOTE: Non-admins can only change their managed team's location or logo during week 1 or 27
  • NOTE: Duplicate team locations are allowed, but the Admin has the ability to change them
  • NOTE: Duplicate team names (logos) are not allowed. This is to preserve league fidelity
  • NOTE: Team locations and logos will revert to their defaults if a manager quits managing that team
  • Bug Fix: Edit Player form would sometimes cause a server error. Added some input validation

March 2, 2021

  • Improvement: Changed "Disciplined" culture to "Strategic" (matches the culture icon more anyway)
  • Bug Fix: Players sometimes appeared on two depth charts after trading them
  • Bug Fix: Minor Team Points bug after yesterday's update

March 1, 2021

  • Improvement: Salaries views for Teams has been renamed to Salary Cap Space
  • Improvement: Week Auto-Advance for multiplayer leagues will continue through week 19 instead of stopping after week 16
  • Bug fix: Sometimes players not on the team showed up in the depth chart dropdowns
  • Bug fix: Team records incorrectly always showed up as (0-0) in Game view
  • Bug fix: New league form incorrectly allowed blank names
  • Bug fix: Server error when editing players

  • Added Achievements!
    • Achievements can only be earned in competitive leagues
    • Added Achievement Library to see all the available achievements
    • Most achievements are not retroactive
  • Added the Store!
    • Coins can be purchased using a variety of payment methods
    • Card packs and Ad-Free Days can be purchased using coins
    • Added email verification (required before coin purchases)
    • Added logic to hide ads if Ad-Free days were purchased
    • All coin purchases will fund the development and server costs of Progression Football! Thank you!
  • Added Cards and Card Packs!
    • One Set initially available: Beta Set!
    • Two card packs initially available:
      • 150 coins - Beta Card Pack (1st Edition)
      • 100 coins - Beta Card Pack
    • 1st Edition card packs will only be sold for a limited time (exact time has not been determined yet)
    • Beta Set card packs will only be sold for a limited time (exact time has not been determined yet)
    • Each card pack includes 7 cards, with a guarantee of 1 Rare card!
    • Card rarities include Common, Uncommon, and Rare
  • Added Customization Options!
    • There are two new Locations and two new Team logos available hidden in the Beta Card Packs!
    • Customization options are available in the Team Options view after collecting the new cards
    • Only new logos and locations can be used to customize a team. No duplicates in the same league, and no switching to a default team location or logo
  • Updated User View
    • Added tabs for Achievements, Leagues, and Cards for all to see!
    • Added option to update email to support email verification

February 8, 2021

  • Improvement: CPUs will now sometimes change a player's position instead of signing a free agent to fill depth chart needs
  • Improvement: CPUs will no longer put injured players on the trade block
  • Improvement: Added logic for CPUs to try to retain high-talent players more often instead of cutting them
  • Improvement: Added awards column to Retired Players view Week 21
  • Improvement: Added logic to show player's historical position in Player History table (not retroactive; new events only)
  • Improvement: When changing a player's position, the Player History event will show ovr_raw was changed "from position change", not the user (not retroactive; new events only)

February 4, 2021

  • Improvement: Improved hover effects around some table links

January 30, 2021

  • New: Retired players who have no stats and were never on a team will be permanently deleted to reduce database size
  • New: Added delete league button to leagues list, if user is admin
  • Improvement: Retired players will now show the team they played the most games with (player and stats views)
  • Bug fix: Server error when trying to modify league settings
  • Bug fix: Non-league users no longer cause the Last Played date to get updated during the draft

January 29, 2021

  • New: Added more Team Options for more control/customization over Sim options
  • Improvement: Quitting managing a team, and then managing a different team, will now mark the league as Uncompetitive
  • Bug fix: Protect against server errors when a league is not found
  • Bug fix: League award winners had the wrong OVR bar color if they also retired that year

January 28, 2021

  • Improvement: Added Pick Player button to the top of the Draft screen
  • Bug fix: Loading animation stuck when trying to change a player's position

January 26, 2021

  • New: All players now have a Max Raw OVR. This value is completely hidden and never changes. Some players will just stop progressing once their Max Raw OVR is reached.
    GMs will have to make the call if a player has reached their maximum potential and the team should move on, or keep trying to progress him.
    Truly great players are now going to be special! Also, it prevents GMs from being able to exclusively decide which players will succeed.
    NOTE: Draft, coach, and culture boosts are always applied, and are not affected by this new value (Max Raw OVR only affects Raw OVR)
    (Thanks to ubwr for the idea)
  • New: Added reminders in Upgrade and Progression Chance modals about the new Max Raw OVR mechanic
  • New: Scouting level upgrade now costs 1000 points
  • New: Progression cap upgrade now costs 1000 points
  • New: Added "Latest Realistic players" option when creating a new league
  • New: Added quantity option for Scouting and Progression Cap upgrades
  • New: Added new schedule graphic on Schedule screen
  • Improvement: CPUs now value player age more, incoming draft pick offers less, and outgoing draft picks more during manual trades
  • Improvement: CPUs now use better playbooks
  • Improvement: Changed logic for how CPUs spend team points
  • Improvement: Added Scouting Level and Progression Cap to Teams list
  • Improvement: Re-wrote/optimized lots of code to make the whole game a little faster
  • Improvement: Moved Users links to the bottom of the left sidebar
  • Improvement: Removed Re-Sign events from Dashboard Transactions table
  • Improvement: Made some minor changes to rushing play simulations to make them more realistic
  • Bug fix/Improvement: Depth charts will never reorder any position if Sim Depth Chart is disabled (previously would re-order individual positions after injuries and signings)
    EXCEPTION: During Fantasy Draft
  • Bug fix: Team Needs sometimes accidentally revealed OVR of players with hidden OVR
  • Bug fix: Loading spinner was hidden when clicking Upgrade Team buttons
  • Bug fix: CPU teams would put all injured players on the trade block because they were not on the depth chart
  • Bug fix: Clicking position name in Player History table now brings you to that team's roster, not the whole league
  • ...Also: Wrote code for some new features that will be in an upcoming release!

December 20, 2020

  • Bug fix: Changed Player Actions dropdown to a button and modal to fix a bug with some Actions not showing up
  • Improvement: Team Points are now only awarded for regular season games (through week 16), not playoffs
  • Improvement: Removed "Previously Cut" free agent signing restrictions (salary cap penalties should serve this purpose)

December 19, 2020

  • Bug fix: Dev Boost and OVR Boost costs were sometimes not getting charged correctly
  • Bug fix: Players traded mid-season would have multiple entries in Player Stats
  • Improvement: Player and Team Stats - Kicking - default table sort is now best Made%

December 14, 2020

  • New: Most of the website (all leagues, and including Dashboard) are now publicly viewable without logging in
  • Improvement: Moved current league status away from top bar and into the left sidebar
  • Improvement: Changed some button colors to match user team color
  • Bug fix: Rookie OVR was displaying the wrong value in Team Needs modal before OVR was revealed

December 12, 2020

  • New: Added Career Ending Injuries
  • New: Added buttons to auto re-order depth chart for individual positions
  • New: Allow admins to manually edit a player's culture (uncompetitive action)
  • Bug fix: Fixed Retired players view: defaults to view single position, default sort by OVR
  • Bug fix: Forced manual trades were sometimes not counting as uncompetitive league edits
  • Improvement: Players who recover from an injury will have that team's depth chart automatically re-ordered for that position only
  • Improvement: Fixed default column sort directions for Standings page
  • Improvement: Limit Roster view to most recent 100 player history events (faster page loads)
  • Improvement: More consistent (larger) team logos inside all tables
  • Improvement: All new injuries will expire after week 21 to allow better team building in the offseason
  • Improvement: League admin edits that make leagues uncompetitive can now be clicked and viewed from the Leagues list
  • Improvement: Database changes for how forced admin changes (uncompetitive edits) are tracked

December 10, 2020

  • New: Updated Dragons, Roadrunners, Vipers, Wildcats, Sheriffs, Miners, Hornets, Demons, Stallions logos/colors
  • Bug fixed: After a fantasy draft, user-managed teams had an empty playbook causing game sims to fail
  • Bug fixed: All time Player and Team stats were not properly being updated since 11/30/2020
  • Bug fixed: Yearly awards were sometimes not being created after the Championship game
  • Bug fixed: Fantasy Draft would always start automatically when viewing Schedule for the first time
  • Bug fixed: Draft - Revealed OVR was sometimes out of range of the scouted OVR range
  • Bug fixed: Team Stats - Conference logos would sometimes not load
  • Improvement: Updated all team logos to be SVG files instead of PNGs - all team logos are HD and crisp instead of blurry
  • Improvement: Draft/Fantasy Draft - CPUs will sometimes draft Best Player Available instead of their roster need
  • Improvement: Draft/Fantasy Draft - CPUs will draft more important positions sooner than others
  • Improvement: CPU teams will update their playbook every week (based on their roster)
  • Improvement: Leagues List - will show "Fantasy Draft" instead of "Season 0, Week 0"
  • Improvement: Fantasy Draft - Increased chance for CPUs to draft players that match their team's culture
  • Improvement: Fantasy Draft - When browsing players to pick, only show the top 50 (faster page loads)

November 22, 2020

  • Increased chance for CPUs to draft rookies that match their team's culture
  • Add Rookies view to Players

November 19, 2020

  • Changed default sort ordering on tables to make some "Descending" on first click

November 14, 2020

  • Fixed a bug when trying to add a Discord username to a profile
  • Modify database to allow more than 255 plays in a single game
  • Discord bot messages now include team emojis

November 12, 2020

  • Added hover glow effects to most clickable elements
  • Added Discord icon to leagues that have a Discord channel in Leagues list

November 6, 2020

  • New team upgrade option: Evaluate Player - cost 750 points to reveal OVR of a player on your team with hidden OVR
  • (You can still reveal a player's OVR for free if they play in 3 games)
  • Added logic for CPUs to Evaluate Players sometimes
  • Added logic for CPUs to value players with hidden OVR slightly higher when re-ordering their depth chart
  • Fixed a bug with pop-ups flickering sometimes

November 2, 2020

  • Added LIVE "Watch Game" feature - after clicking "Play Game", all game results are hidden - click Watch Game at the bottom to see the game play before your eyes!
  • Watch Game - Allow for changing speed between plays during the game, without reloading the page
  • Fixed bug - sometimes scouted OVR Guess was outside the scouting level range
  • Fixed bug - scouting OVR range was not always correct for the scouting level
  • Game - All Plays now shows score at end of quarters and halftime
  • At the end of a season, only 20% of undrafted rookies (random) become free agents
  • Added Force Trade option for Admins only (this makes a league uncompetitive)
  • Optimized repeated database queries - should be a little faster now
  • Standardized views a little more
  • Moved league status to a column on the left for Leagues lists
  • Deleting cap penalty history from the database for old seasons - this was slowing things down
  • Dashboard - Added trades and IR events to Transactions
  • Fixed bug - now users can only Advance Week from Schedule or Game views
  • Optimized some functions to only update if there is a change - trying to increase speed

October 1, 2020

  • Added "Min round" option to draft board - The player will not get drafted before this round.
  • Fixed a bug where OVR bars were not changing to the team's color on the Draft Board for players already drafted
  • Added Watch Game feature

September 30, 2020

  • Added Draft Limits - This will limit how many players to automatically draft from the draft board at a certain position.
  • Fixed a bug when clicking up or down arrows on Draft Board players
  • Fixed a bug where the offense would not kick a FG on the last play of the game if the game was tied

September 29, 2020

  • CPU teams no longer randomly cut opposite culture players to force Free Agents during week 22. This was necessary before salaries were implemented but not anymore.
  • Draft Boost no longer grants any OVR boost. Instead, a boost to Progression is granted with the same expiration rules (only while the player is on the team that drafted them).
  • The 20% salary reduction for previously drafted players has been reduced to 10%. Freshly drafted rookies still get a one-time 20% reduction, but only for their rookie contract.
  • Increased probability of CPU teams increasing Scouting and Progression Cap instead of Coach Boosts
  • CPU teams now do a better job using up all their team points every season instead of sometimes wasting some
  • Scouting Upgrade is now statically set to 2000 points. The cost does not change throughout the season. This idea may be returned in the future.

September 26, 2020

  • Fixed a bug where if a kicker got injured on an extra point play, it would cause that game to get stuck and unable to sim
  • Reduced the OVR penalty for switching a player to a similar position
  • Renamed "QBR" to "RTG" because we are actually using Passer Rating, not Quarterback Rating

August 16, 2020

  • Added Injuries
    • Each game, all players who played in the game have a tiny % chance to become injured
    • NOTE: For simplicity, players' injury status will only be applied after the game is over.
    • Injuries prevent players from being included in the Depth Chart
    • Players can be added to Injured Reserve (IR). They are ineligible to play until the next season, but their salary does not count against their team's Cap.
    • Added CPU teams logic to deal with injuries and IR
    • Added Injury Report view to sidebar
    • Added Injuries On/Off to New League form and Admin view
  • Fixed a bug where players on the roster but not currently on the depth chart would not show up in the dropdowns

August 13, 2020

  • Progression Updates
    • Added small graph in player tables for Progression Chance (PC)
    • PC graphs are clickable to show details about progression for that player, and what factors are influencing his developmenet
    • Standardized Team Upgrades screen, added Upgrade Help button
    • Removed previous Team "Dev" upgrade
    • Added Progression Cap upgrade - resets every season. Limits how much players can progress that season.
    • Added Coach Dev Boost section (per position) to Team Upgrades screen - permanent impact to Dev for that position, up to 5 levels
    • Color-coded OVR boosts as green and Dev boosts as blue across the site
    • Slightly increased CON for newly generated undrafted rookies
    • Updated Coaches view to show OVR boosts and Dev boosts
    • Re-added Player History table underneath Team player tables
  • Scouting Updates
    • Added new scouting variable "OVR SCOUT GUESS", which is a random value from within the scouting window for the current scouting level, and is always unlocked
    • Increased "penalty" for not scouting! Certain information is hidden until Scouting is upgraded:
      • Level 0: OVR range: 45. Age, Consistency, and Culture are hidden
      • Level 1: OVR range: 38. Age is unlocked
      • Level 2: OVR range: 31. Culture is unlocked
      • Level 3: OVR range: 25.
      • Level 4: OVR range: 18.
      • Level 5: OVR range: 11.
      • Level 6: OVR range: 7.
      • Level 7: OVR range: 3. Consistency grade (letter only) is unlocked (pre-draft only)
  • Changed defense play recognition temporary OVR boosts to activate every 12 plays with the same formation and play type (instead of 10)

August 3, 2020

  • Stats now update immediately after games instead of during week advancement

August 1, 2020

  • Fixed a bug causing a crash when trying to edit players
  • Added Quarters to game simulation! Teams will react accordingly at the end of the half.
  • Added coin toss to beginning of game and end of regulation
  • Improved CPU playbook logic

July 31, 2020

  • Fixed a bug with draft board when a user team had multiple picks in the same round
  • Fixed a bug where free agents sometimes had "Add to Draft Board" button showing

July 29, 2020

  • CPUs now consider CON when valuing players
  • Auto Depth Chart now considers CON when ranking players

July 25, 2020

  • Added Defensive Play Recognition
    • During a game, if the offense runs the same formation and play (run or pass) too many times, all defensive players will receive a temporary OVR increase for the remainder of that game.
    • After 10 plays of the same formation and play, the opposing defense gets OVR +1 for the remainder of the game
    • After 20 plays of the same formation and play, the opposing defense gets an additional OVR +2 for the remainder of the game
    • After 30 plays of the same formation and play, the opposing defense gets an additional OVR +3 for the remainder of the game
    • Etc...
    • This should encourage teams to balance their rosters, and diversitize their playbook
    • This is a penalty for one-dimentional teams (who do all run/all pass, or only certain formations)

July 24, 2020

  • Added Draft Board
    • Add undrafted rookies to Draft Board and organize them by rank.
    • During the draft, players will be auto-drafted from the Draft Board, if available.
    • Players can be added to the Draft Board at any time during the season, or during the draft.
    • This should help multiplayer leagues draft faster.

July 18, 2020

  • Added new Players option during new league creation: 2020 Realistic Players

July 17, 2020

  • Playoff Bracket now shows team with first-round bye in Round 2 during Round 1 of the playoffs
  • Playoff Bracket now updates showing the winner advancing after each playoff game

July 15, 2020

  • Added fumbles

July 14, 2020

  • All new contracts will be slightly higher for all players
  • Players received in trades will no longer have reduction in salary ("cap penalties paid by old team")
  • Manual trades with CPU are now more difficult in general
  • Cap penalties increased from 20% to 25% of player salary being traded away
  • Salary discount for longer contracts has been reduced

July 6, 2020

  • Updated playoffs to include three Round 1 games, with only the first seed getting a bye
  • Changed Oakland Vigilantes to Las Vegas Vigilantes (new leagues only)

July 5, 2020

  • Fixed a bug where CPU teams would never sign free agents that would upgrade their team
  • Fixed a bug during new league creation where rookie draft class would get created twice
  • Fixed a bug during new league creation where the rookie draft class players were getting converted to free agents before season 1
  • Rookie draft class is now created after the fantasy draft for new fantasy draft leagues
  • Fixed a bug where Coach Boost would not get updated after changing a player's position
  • Added Playoff Bracket to Dashboard and Schedule (weeks 17-20)

July 1, 2020

  • Fixed a bug where awards would sometimes be awarded twice
  • Cap penalties incurred after week 20 will now apply to the next season. This lines up the timeline with salary years being reduced
  • Added team logos to awards
  • Added sortable column for player awards
  • Fixed a bug where previously cut free agents could be signed on the individual player view

June 29, 2020

  • Traded players will now retain their existing contract length
  • Traded players will have their salary reduced by 20%, since the original team is paying for that 20% via cap penalties
  • Fixed a bug related to salaries getting increased too much over time
  • Fixed a bug where free agent salaries were incorrect before signing
  • Fixed a bug where games would sometimes simulate twice

June 28, 2020

  • Added multi-year contracts!
    • Added multi-year contracts (up to 4 years). Longer contracts offer smaller yearly salary cap cost
    • Free Agents and traded players will have a 1 year contract
    • Re-signing to longer contracts will happen in the offseason only
    • Added Salary Years Remaining to player table views
    • Salary Years gets reduced by 1 after the PFL Championship Game
    • All players with Salary Years = 0 at week 22 will need to be either re-signed or cut
    • Cap penalties will be applied to any traded or cut player
    • New leagues will have pseudo-random salary/contract years assigned to all players
    • Added a warning to Cut and Trade views warning about cap penalties
  • Added Awards icons to players in Re-Sign players view
  • Added Discord message when starting a new season
  • All players' Consistency is hidden until OVR is revealed (after playing in 3 games). This will make drafting more difficult.
  • Updated player OVR bars style - black outline, new question mark icon
  • Players with hidden OVR will have their OVR bar color faded
  • Fixed a bug related to incorrectly blocking manual trades after week 23
  • CPUs now value user team draft picks slightly less, and their own team's draft picks slightly more
  • CPUs now consider team rank in Standings when trading draft picks
  • Undrafted rookies are now converted to free agents with hidden OVRs (after week 27). This will make free agent talent more difficult to evaluate.
  • Fixed a bug in the offseason where free agents would accept offers from teams who previously cut them
  • Added clickable text for Salaries, which will pop up a modal with Salary Cap Penalties information
  • Fixed a bug where CPU teams would cut players on their depth chart before players with no depth chart rank
  • Added a warning to Edit Player form regarding impact to the league's Competitive label
  • Minor UI improvements to landing page, welcome screen, header, and footer

June 18, 2020

  • Trading is now only allowed during weeks 1-8 and in the offseason after Free Agent Signing (Week 26)
  • Updated Detroit Prowlers logo
  • Added Awards icons to players in Retired Players tables
  • Fixed Retired Players view

June 16, 2020

  • More Discord integration and automation!
    • Only "friendly" Discord Usernames are required - example: Aurabolt#2791
    • Automatic creation of League channels in Progression Football Discord server when users set their Discord usernames
    • Added clickable Discord icon link in left sidebar - opens Discord League channel
    • Note: Some users may have to re-add their Discord usernames to their Progression Football profiles after this update

June 9, 2020

  • Discord Integration
    • Added Discord Channel ID to League Admin options
    • Added Discord User ID to User Edit options
    • Added basic Discord message automation messages to the channel - Week Advanced, Draft - On the Clock, Draft - Admin needs to start
    • Request a Discord Channel from @Aurabolt in the Discord server to get a League channel created for your league!
    • Users can update their own profile to add Discord User ID to get mentioned by the bot in their league channel
  • Week will advance automatically if the schedule is loaded when all user games have already been played - to move leagues along without so much admin clicking

June 6, 2020

  • Added player OVR bars to re-signing and rookie signing views
  • Fixed bug with team salary calculations during re-signing and rookie signing
  • Fixed bug with player salary calculations (Championship Winners were not demanding higher salaries as expected)
  • Fixed bug with sorting table by OVR on re-sign and rookie signing views
  • Changed week 27 "Advance Week" button to display "Advance Season"
  • Fixed a bug causing a crash when trying to create a new Fantasy Draft league

June 2, 2020

  • Add Season Stats to Player view

May 31, 2020

  • Code optimizations - hopefully makes everything a little faster
  • Fixed a play history display bug showing "and goal" at incorrect times
  • Fixed some bugs related to Yearly Awards logic

May 30, 2020

  • Added individual Championship Winner awards to all players on the winning team
  • Added Championship Winner and Yearly Awards winners to week 21 view, above retired players table. Week 21 renamed to "League News"
  • Add trophy icon next to names of players with awards (hover to view at a glance)
  • Sidebar color highlighting to match user team color
  • Team records display default to (0-0) instead of (-)
  • Added Coaches view with some boosts data
  • Slow down Consistency upgrades by 2.5x current rate (too many players with very good CON without much time/effort)
  • Players who have won a Championship have a higher chance to retire after winning the big game (that year only)
  • Players who have won a Championship or Yearly Award will demand a 20% higher salary for the remainder of their career
  • Reduced the range that players can progress or regress (maximum is now +7 / -7 per season)

April 26, 2020

  • Added Change Position feature
    • Changing a player's position will cause a one-time, permanent change to the player's OVR.
    • The change will be impacted by how different the player's current position is from the new position.
  • Added Yearly Awards to Season Summary (week 27)
    • League MVP
    • Rookie of the Year
    • Defensive Player of the Year
  • Added awards to individual Player views
  • Added QB Rating (QBR) to Game stats and Awards (QBR will be added to Player Stats and Team Stats screens soon)
  • Trades are now allowed to be executed even if teams are over the salary cap
  • More awards can be added in the future
  • Prevented exploit - user teams trading players with very high salaries to CPU teams, destroying the CPU team salary cap

April 7, 2020

  • Added Randomize Name button to Edit Player form

April 5, 2020

  • Added User Profiles
    • Currently user profiles are basic, but more info/stats/achievements will be added in future updates
    • Added optional Discord username field for each user
  • Database and code changes made to support user profiles and new Discord field
  • All usernames are now clickable to view that user's profile
  • Added Users, current user, All Users, and League Users sections to the sidebar
  • Added ability for users to change their own username and Discord
  • Moved Dashboard and Messages into League section of sidebar
  • Username lengths and league name lengths are now limited
  • Usernames must now be unique

March 25, 2020

  • Fixed a bug when hovering over Scouting

March 23, 2020

  • Added Draft Picks to Manual Trades
  • Database and code changes made to support future drafts, so picks can be traded
  • Updated Manual Trade UI to support draft picks
  • Scouting Upgrade cost for weeks 10+ reduced from 3000 to 2500 points
  • Remove unused "cost" column from Player History tables
  • Fixed a bug related to depth chart requriements for CPU teams when the Play Game was clicked
  • Fixed a bug preventing Admins from kicking a user from a public league (@fan)

February 28, 2020

  • Added team color styling to certain elements
  • Fixed a bug with Stop Sim button being disabled
  • Fixed a bug preventing horizontal scrolling on smaller screens
  • Application maintenance updates

February 24, 2020

  • Free Agents will now have their salaries reset to default calculated values after the FA Bidding is over.
    This will be the only instance where a player's salary could be reduced during his career.
    This is to fix free agents who no longer meet the market value for their previously high salary (usually after regressing and being cut), OR to increase a player's salary if they progressed as a Free Agent.
  • All players under 50 raw OVR will automatically retire at the end of the season
  • Added Team Schedule to Dashboard

February 22, 2020

  • Made a minor change to manual trade logic to make player age slightly less of a factor
  • Fixed exploit: User teams were able to overpay for Free Agents during FA bidding, then Manual Trade all those players to CPU teams for huge gains, and destroy the CPU teams' salary cap. Trade Block and Manual Trades are now restricted only to teams who are under the salary cap.
  • Added Team Needs button to all teams
  • Added Team Info banners to all roster and depth chart views
  • New Team Needs and Upgrades button icons
  • Fixed a bug when owning a team, old CPU trade block trades persisted

February 21, 2020

  • Added Manual Trades
    • Works with User Team to CPU Team, or User Team to User Team
    • User Team to CPU Team trade offers include CPU Interest gauge
    • Supports single or multiple players per trade offer
    • Can create multiple manual trade offers, but only edit one at a time, until offered
    • Currently players only, but adding draft picks to manual trades may be added in the future!
  • Fixed multiple bugs causing player salaries to be too high
    • One issue was related to initial rookie salary calculation (based on scouted OVR), but players don't take pay cuts - resulted in inflated salaries across the league over time
    • Fixed a bug with very high salaries being offered during Free Agent Bidding
    • CPUs will now bid on Free Agents based on each team's perceived value of the player, not based on the salary the player is requesting
    • For existing leagues: team salaries should become less inflated over time
    • For new leagues: team salaries should stay more reasonable, like in season 1 week 1
  • Added "Stop Sim" button, but only when advancing more than 1 week at a time
  • Fixed a bug with rookies getting their OVR revealed too early (before playing 3 games)
  • Fixed a bug with players sometimes gaining double XP from games (used to automatically improve CON)
  • New leagues will apply draft boost to all rookies on teams
  • Allow editing draft boost when manually editing players as Admin

February 11, 2020

  • Drafted players now receive 20% salary reduction instead of 50%
  • Default Progression Chance slightly reduced
  • Optimized Advance Season tasks

February 9, 2020

  • Major Bug Fix: Uncontrollable Advance Weeks
    • Thanks to user feedback! Identified a major bug that was sometimes updating teams Sim Until values in other leagues
    • ALL league teams have been fixed with a one-time reset for Sim Until values (set to the current week)
  • New Feature: Teams Ready
    • Added Teams Ready information and button near Advance Week button
  • Bug fixed: CPU teams sometimes doing strange things when trying to get under the salary cap
    • Re-wrote a large piece of CPU roster management logic
    • This task was extremely complicated and took longer than I expected
    • Needed to account for all the salary/roster situations a CPU might get into (roster requirements, salary cap, cutting players intelligently and not randomly)
    • Should result in more stability and consistency regarding how long CPUs take to resolve salary cap issues
  • Bug fixed: Start Draft button is now present and works again
  • Bug fixed: Sometimes it was possible that CPU-controlled teams drafted multiple times per round
  • Added a check and error message for user teams who are over the salary cap, who do not have Sim Roster on

January 31, 2020

  • New Feature: Draft Boosts
    • Any player who is on the same team that drafted him now receives a +2 OVR Draft Boost for the duration of their tenure with that team
    • Any player who is on the same team that drafted him now receives a 50% reduction in salary for the duration of their tenure with that team
    • All existing players in all leagues have been updated to apply Draft Boost and salary reduction where appropriate
    • If a player with Draft Boost is cut or traded, his Draft Boost will disappear forever, and his salary will return to normal value
    • Draft Impact has been added as an option to new League creation (options are 0 to +5)
    • This is to encourage teams to invest in Scouting, raise the value of draft picks, help control the Salary Cap, and consider the Draft a serious factor to their team's long-term future
  • For multiplayer leagues: League Admins can now Advance Week if there are no other pending actions from user teams (like Depth Chart requirements, Draft Actions, etc).
  • Optimized League Creation and Advance Season tasks to make them faster
  • Added User Teams column to Leagues tables, to more easily see multiplayer leagues
  • Add Depth Chart Rank column to roster views
  • Added Culture indicators to Free Agent Bidding screen
  • Removed "Actions" text from players table dropdowns
  • Automatically filtering Free Agents by position of most need by default (this is to increase speed when clicking on Free Agents link)
  • Updated League History screen and added more stats

January 26, 2020

  • Fixed some bugs causing errors when viewing the schedule of a league the user is not a member of
  • Added Competitive column to leagues tables to identify leagues where players have been manually edited by League Admins (this count ignores player name changes)

January 25, 2020

  • Changed how Development (DEV) affects Progression Chance (PC) and made Progression Chance attribute now visible to users.
    • The results of buying DEV upgrades can now be seen via the DEV and PC values increasing on each player
    • DEV upgrades now give diminishing returns over the course of a season, based on each player's DEV value when an upgrade is purchased
    • PC no longer gets reduced from playing in games, but still resets to 0 at the beginning of each season
    • PC shows the overall chance for positive progression, but values for the degree of progression, chance for regression, and chance of staying the same are still hidden
    • DEV upgrades now become more expensive later in the season
    • Added PC to Progressed and Regressed log entries in Players History
  • Upgraded Dashboard
    • Automatically redirecting users to Dashbaord after simulating games
    • Added Previous Game with result, and Next Game
  • Rookies will now demand the salary of the OVR they were scouted at
  • Added "Raise" column to Re-Sign players to show how much the salary is changing
  • Players will no longer take pay cuts in their career. This makes free agent bidding more risky, and Salary Cap more relevant to team management
  • CPU teams will now sometimes add starters to the Trade Block
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed bug - rookies with hidden OVR could have their OVR approximated based on the salary demanded at signing. Rookies will now demand the salary of the OVR they were scouted at
    • Fixed bug - Rookie OVRs could be approximated revealed by looking at the pregame ratings chart
    • Fixed notification messages in bottom left that sometimes stacked on top of each other
    • Fixed links when clicking on Storylines
    • Fixed a bug with salary values (requested and accepted) when viewing previous seasons Free Agent Summary
    • Fixed a bug where a player's salary would get reset back to a default (lower) value after being signed during Free Agent bidding the previous season

January 18, 2020

  • Added ability to browse all other leagues
  • Added ability to sort Leagues tables
  • Fixed another bug that could reveal the hidden OVR of a just-drafted rookie (ubwr)
  • Fixed a sorting bug for Leagues tables
  • Added a note explaining that Coach Boosts max out at +5 per position

January 17, 2020

  • Trade Block: When putting a player on the trade block, more offers are shown
  • Trade Block: Improved trade logic involving CPU teams (offers to human players, and CPU-CPU trades)
  • Trade Block: Disallowing putting players with hidden OVR from going on the trade block
  • Fix error message about depth chart requirements (ubwr)
  • Fix to All-Time Player Stats view to show a player's name italicized if he is retired (ubwr)
  • Fix to Player Stats view - default to All Weeks when viewing Season stats (ubwr)
  • Fix to Player Stats view - clicking a team name now brings you to their roster
  • Fix to Stats view: Sort defensive stats by tackles by default
  • Coach Boosts: Updated costs, most notably significantly decreasing the cost for offensive linemen positions
  • Fix Message for scouting upgrades arriving a week late (ubwr)
  • Fix bug: Team Points were not being awarded for playoff games (ubwr)
  • Fix bug: Prevent accidentally viewing weeks in the future (ubwr)
  • Fix bug: actual OVR accidentally being shown during draft, instead of scouted OVR (ubwr)
  • Fix bug: CPU teams not re-ordering their depth charts after rookie OVR are revealed (ubwr)
  • Fix bug: Players signed in Free Agency would incorrectly take pay cuts (default contract value) next time they were signed or re-signed (ubwr)
  • Show "contract negotiations complete" after Re-Signing and Rookie Signings

January 12, 2020

  • Fixed a bug with scouting upgrade messages sometimes being delivered a week late (ubwr)
  • Limit 2 leagues per user (may change after BETA)
  • Automatically deleting leagues not played in 20 days (may change after BETA)

January 11, 2020

  • To optimize the database, speed up Stats pages, and and reduce storage space: moved all-time player stats to a new database table, automatically deleting game stats/plays older than last season
  • Automatically deleting Messages and Storylines older than last season

January 10, 2020

  • Made game summary alert notifications clickable (w3stw00d)
  • Moved alert notifications to the bottom left instead of across the top (achum5)
  • Fixed a bug with Trade Block offers not getting displayed for user managed teams (youngkingabdul)
  • Fixed a bug with Advanced Playbook not submitting data correctly (ubwr)

January 9, 2020

  • Added Kick User option for League Admins
  • Added more explanation about Trade Blocks
  • Added consistency to depth chart (weitzilla)
  • Add more league info to Home screen

January 6, 2020

  • Initial release

April 2018

  • Project started