Season | Championship Winner | User | |
No data available in table |
Team | Season | Record | Result | GMs | Coach | Top Performing Players |
Season 1 | (10 - 7) | Missed playoffs | CPU | Robert Young |
Albert Scarborough
103 tackles, 45 for loss, (35 sacks), 10 fumbles forced
2 MLB 92 Ryan Jackson 88 tackles, 13 for loss, 1 INT 3 DE 68 Randy Woods 57 tackles, 11 for loss, (6 sacks), 2 fumbles forced 4 CB 29 Kyle Love 75 tackles, 3 INTs 5 DT 69 Nick Williams 48 tackles, 10 for loss, (4 sacks) 6 DT 70 Corey McKnight 46 tackles, 9 for loss, (1 sack), 1 fumble forced |
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