League test 2 - Uncompetitive Events

Player Name Team POS Note Change Age Updated During
93 Justin Jerry DE Changed consistency from -6 to -8 from position change (Forced) -6 -8 CON 26 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DE Changed position from DT to DE by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) DT DE 26 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set ovr_raw from 79 to 78 by Liam Eichenburger 79 78 OVR 26 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set age from 27 to 26 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 27 26 26 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set consistency from -9 to -6 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) -9 -6 CON 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set kicking_accuracy from 15 to 45 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 15 45 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set kicking_power from 19 to 18 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 19 18 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set throwing_accuracy from 20 to 33 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 20 33 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set throwing_power from 26 to 37 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 26 37 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set pass_blocking from 46 to 18 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 46 18 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set run_blocking from 46 to 56 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 46 56 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set pass_coverage from 23 to 17 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 23 17 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set pass_rushing from 74 to 70 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 74 70 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set run_defense from 80 to 70 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 80 70 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set carrying from 29 to 32 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 29 32 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set break_tackles from 21 to 45 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 21 45 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set catching from 28 to 21 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 28 21 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set stamina from 75 to 93 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 75 93 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set mental from 80 to 84 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 80 84 27 Season 1, Week 1
93 Justin Jerry DT Set jumping from 77 to 73 by Liam Eichenburger (Forced) 77 73 27 Season 1, Week 1