tonejoe Sheriffs
(7 - 5)
Lv. 20
Overall 80
Offense 81
Defense 83
Culture Match 31%
Chemistry Avg -7.00
Progression Cap +0 / 7
strength speed agility jumping mental stamina catching break_tackles carrying run_defense pass_rushing pass_coverage run_blocking pass_blocking throwing_power throwing_accuracy kicking_power kicking_accuracy College_Team College_Region Raw OVR
Player Name Team POS Depth
62 Justin Levy G 1
B (-7)   21 R 6'7" 301 -7 +1
74 Chandler Adams T 1
A (-3)   28 8 6'5" 327 +1 -7
89 Jameill Cardenas TE 1
A (-1)   29 7 6'4" 250 +1 -7
62 Kayden Pryor G 1
B (-7)   26 4 6'6" 311 -7 +1
40 Nick Harris MLB 1
C (-8)   23 1 6'4" 246 +1 -7 +1
30 Trey Mahoney OLB 1
C (-8)   25 6 6'6" 275 +1 -7
36 Albert Jordan S 1
B (-6)   26 6 5'11" 183 -7
66 Lardarius Wiley DT 1
C (-8)   24 4 6'3" 275 +1 -7
88 Vance Lewis WR 1
A (-2)   27 6 6'6" 197 +1 -7 +2
4 Roy Fitzgerald QB 1
B (-5)   24 3 5'11" 215 -7 +2
96 Steven Richburg DE 1
B (-5)   23 2 6'2" 286 +1 -7 +1
97 Clay Howard DE 1
C (-8)   21 R 6'5" 289 -7 +1
30 Darryl Shepherd CB 2
B (-5)   25 6 5'10" 206 +1 -7
65 Jacob Walker DT 2
B (-5)   24 4 6'4" 334 -7
36 Jeremy Dunbar CB 1
A (-3)   28 9 5'10" 199 -7
58 Zechariah Carter C 1
B (-6)   25 6 6'3" 287 -1 -7
64 Dez Watson T 1
B (-5)   27 5 6'7" 306 -7
31 Jordan Arellano OLB 1
B (-5)   30 10 5'10" 204 -1 -7
82 Andy Jackson WR 2
A (-1)   29 8 6'2" 209 +1 -7 +2
31 Josh Hightower HB 1
C (-9)   24 2 6'0" 196 +1 -7

Player History

Player Name Team POS Note Change Age Updated During
31 Jordan Arellano OLB Changed ovr_raw from 93 to 88 from position change 93 88 OVR 30 Season 1, Week 1
31 Jordan Arellano OLB Changed consistency from -2 to -6 from position change -2 -6 CON 30 Season 1, Week 1
31 Jordan Arellano OLB Changed position from S to OLB by tonejoe S OLB 30 Season 1, Week 1
58 Zechariah Carter C Changed consistency from -7 to -8 from position change -7 -8 CON 25 Season 1, Week 1
58 Zechariah Carter C Changed position from G to C by tonejoe G C 25 Season 1, Week 1
25 Reshad Bellore WR Changed ovr_raw from 90 to 79 from position change 90 79 OVR 28 Season 1, Week 1
25 Reshad Bellore WR Changed consistency from -8 to -12 from position change -8 -12 CON 28 Season 1, Week 1
25 Reshad Bellore WR Changed position from CB to WR by tonejoe CB WR 28 Season 1, Week 1
62 Kayden Pryor G Changed consistency from -8 to -9 from position change -8 -9 CON 26 Season 1, Week 1
62 Kayden Pryor G Changed position from C to G by tonejoe C G 26 Season 1, Week 1
30 Darryl Shepherd CB Changed ovr_raw from 89 to 88 from position change 89 88 OVR 25 Season 1, Week 1
30 Darryl Shepherd CB Changed consistency from -5 to -7 from position change -5 -7 CON 25 Season 1, Week 1
30 Darryl Shepherd CB Changed position from S to CB by tonejoe S CB 25 Season 1, Week 1
66 Lardarius Wiley DT Changed consistency from -6 to -10 from position change -6 -10 CON 24 Season 1, Week 1
66 Lardarius Wiley DT Changed position from DE to DT by tonejoe DE DT 24 Season 1, Week 1
40 Nick Harris MLB Changed ovr_raw from 90 to 92 from position change 90 92 OVR 23 Season 1, Week 1
40 Nick Harris MLB Changed consistency from -8 to -11 from position change -8 -11 CON 23 Season 1, Week 1
40 Nick Harris MLB Changed position from OLB to MLB by tonejoe OLB MLB 23 Season 1, Week 1